Getting back on my feet.

I was feeling enough better to go to the farm this morning for the first time in two weeks. We moved week before last so I wasn't there and then the food poisoning incident last weekend. Two weeks felt like two years.  Especially when you get to see little faces like this one when you go in. This is Michael the baby goat. 

Remember the movie, Gremlins? With those ears doesn't he look for all the world like a Mogwai?
We just have to be careful not to get him wet!

And this is Miss Ellie.  Isn't she the cutest little peanut?  Here she is 'sitting' for a cookie. Over the summer I am going to go to the farm for short periods in the evening to train the minis. We have 5 now, Lilly, Lucy, Ellie, Harley and Lola. Only Lola, Ellie and Lucy will be trained right now. (Harley and Lilly are disabled.) 
They are SO SMART. You use the same tricks and techniques that you do for dogs to get them to come to you, follow you, sit, and 'leave it' . They need someone consistent to come in often and run through their commands with them. It's a rough job full of cuteness and piggy kisses, but someone has to do it!

 On the new home front, there is this adorable face. That's his current best friend, Froggy there with him. 

 There is nothing like an (almost) empty peanut butter jar to help a guy get settled. 
 I had forgotten that we added solar lights to our garden until I looked out the kitchen window and say them twinkling merrily out there on Friday evening. 

There give off a lot of light for such  wee things. Something tells me we will be spending most summer evenings out there. 
 Still not up for real food yet, but I made a skillet supper to use up some broccoli that I was going to use. It smelled wonderful cooking and I had a tiny bite to try it and it was YUM.  Will post the recipe over on my recipe site.
So, slowly but surely getting back on my feet.  Hope you all had a great weekend too!


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