Wonderful Weekend

I worked at the farm both Saturday and Sunday mornings so I got to spend lots of time with the newest resident, Lola:

She is the dearest little thing. She and Teddy followed us all around inspecting each chore we did and sampling the various animal foods. We would often leave pans of feed on the floor for the chickens, turkeys and ducks but that is a thing of the past with old Lola around!  She is a pig in every sense of the word! We have to really watch her or she will no longer be 'miniature'!

On Saturday afternoon I took Thor and Mick's (the llamas), Frances and Bert's (the big sheep) and Teddy's fleeces, which had been removed the following week,  down to Rainbow Fleece Farm  for processing. They will wash and card the fleece so I can spin it into yarn for the silent auction fundraiser Heartland is having in August.  They were having their 'Shearing Days' open house and it was cool to see all of their animals. Their peacocks are so beautiful. I wish I hadn't left my camera in the car!

On the way home, I meandered down to New Glarus and poked around a bit. The Cheese and Chocolate shop is closed until May 1st which is disappointing since I wanted to pick up a gift there, but the bakery was open so that made it all better! I love the Nordic feel of that village so much! Who needs a passport to experience Scandinavia!!?

Then it was off to Belleville.  I used to go to Belleville Park a lot and walk the loop around the lake and river.  It wasn't an awfully long walk, but it often filled my need for a 'water fix'.  I hadn't been down the last couple of years because, for some insane reason, they drained the lake and it was more like a walk through an mosquito infested swamp than a relaxing stroll by the water.  Imagine my surprise when I found that the lake not only has water in it again, but the city has divided the lake from the river with an earthen berm and put in a beautiful walking trail across the lake and up the river. I wasn't looking to break land speed records and was looking at all of the flora and fauna [Plus I picked up a dad and his two adorable sons on the way back. They were excellent walking companions and turtle spotters!] so it took a little over an hour to walk the whole thing. Absolutely gorgeous!
The dam.

 The lake

Spring greens everywhere!

The Sugar River (The river was loaded with spawning carp! Love was in the air! Flippers and fins everywhere!)

Snowy Egret

 Canoe Smile.

Backwater Bay

All in all it was a wonderful relaxing afternoon! Something I've had too few of lately!


MadCityMike said…
Very nice post! As you may remember, I really enjoy your "at the farm" photos.

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