Tragedy At The Houdini Theater

Our department is having a Peep Diorama contest as a team building activity.  I worked this weekend on my entry: Hare-y Houdini: Magician of the Peeps.
The only thing I hadn't done yet is put Hare-y and his water tank in...

And hang the marquis...
I planned on doing those tasks last night in hopes of meeting today's entry deadline.  I left the theater on the kitchen counter...unattended... when I went to work yesterday and that was when...DISASTER STRUCK!

The Mighty Benzilla apparently crossed the Pacific from Tokyo and stormed the theater, creating general mayhem and devastation. After he had thoroughly tossed and terrified the occupants, he ate the Lovely Assistant Chick and two of the audience members before lumbering on to wreak havoc at some other venue.

I discovered the wreckage when I got home. I rebuilt the theater and hired a new Lovely Assistant Chick but had a hard time to convince passers-by to come see the show in light of 'recent events'. The good news is, the show was standing room only before but now there are seats available in the back if you'd like to attend!


I'd come see the show soon if you're interested though because rumors are starting to swirl about Houdini's scandalous use of Hare Remover in his disappearing act!  Call me for tickets!


Connie said…
VERY clever. Enjoyed the pix and the narrative too. You should go see the Houdini exhibit at the Madison Modern Art Museum. Or maybe you already did and it was the inspiration for your display?
John Cox said…
Fun. Thank you. :)
Sara said…
You're too clever for me! Thanks for the great story!
Elizabeth said…
The mind of Melinda is an amazing thing.
Lisa Richards said…
Very funny and punny! :D
Dianne said…
That's brilliant!

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