Diva's Challenge: Auras

This week's Diva Challenge is to use auras. Aura's are outlines around the original design that can make new patterns themselves as they grow. I use them quite a bit in my tangles. This time around, I wanted to experiment with looser tangles with more white space. I tend to super cramp patterns into every square inch! So here are my entries.



ledenzer said…
Wonderfully fun and fabulous tiles! The touch of red is a wowser!
Lisa Richards said…
Very fun tangles and the red is a fantastic touch!

(I think you used your homepage URL on Mr. Linky, so you may need to go back and use your post specific URL. Not sure how major this is, just noticed it.)

Beautiful work! I may have to come read more posts to see if you're always so hilarious, lol!

Sue Sharp said…
Love your touches of red! My fav is the 1st one with the ladybugs!
Bilja said…
I love these. The red bits add so much life to the tiles. Wonderful work.
Gloria j Zucaro said…
I love these, Molly. So much fun and colorful. I really like a "subject" in the middle of the aura designs.

i also love your Peeps story, too. i laughed out love at the names and references to Hare Remover! LOL!
Jules said…
The red highlight really makes them jump out.
Jennifer Gayle said…
These are so fun! I am very impressed with your ability to make your tiles three dimensional.
Alice said…
wow! what fun! i don't even know where to start - the ladybugs or the cupcake? very cool! and i love the purposeful touch of red :) makes them really pop!
Tricia, CZT said…
Love your whimsical style. Nice work.
Meghna Patel said…
Fun Fun Fun!!!!
All of them are so cheerful and bright!! out of the box!!

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