Diva's Challenge 67: Amanda Day

This week's challenge over at the Diva's blog was to do a design that represents Earth Day.  (Her adorable son calls it 'Amanda Day' so that's it's title).  Dig around for a picture over at her blog...both of her sons are absolutely precious!
Happy Earth Amanda Day!


Susan said…
Love this! The trees, the serpent, your tangles...all of it. This was what was in my head (sort of) but I couldn't get down on paper. Beautiful.
Alice said…
i love it! you have so many cool things here! finding little critters everywhere. i even saw a little tiny hand - oh, wait! that was my mouse :) but i thought it was yours to start with - haha! i love how you wrapped the snake, and the tree is wonderful - excellent! oh, there's another little critter ... ... .. and another!
Cathy said…
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Cathy said…
I love the detail in this tile! It is awesome. I think it should be poster size (and hang in my classroom).
Dianne said…
This is incredibly unique and wonderful!
Wonderful and earthy or Amandee shall I say?

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