I've Apparently Only Scratched The Surface

I've had one of those weeks. I was driving to a doctor appt this afternoon, feeling world weary and jaded. Wondering that the point of everything was. Feeling like I'd seen it all... and then I saw this!

(Click to biggify, you won't be sorry!)

 Yup! Those are all glued on there.
 Love the water ripples painted on!

Are the boots sitting next to the car not the piece de resistance? A+ for attention to detail!

And they say G*d doesn't listen.  This is a clear message that I haven't seen it all. I've only scratched the surface!


WOW! Love and want!
I like to see that the car wasn't a totally ancient p.o.s. before the embellishment began. What does a car say? Beeep? Nope.

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