Diva Challenge 45-Punzel

Two entries in one night. Here is my Diva Challenge for this week:

The challenge was to use a new pattern called Punzel. It's braidy ribbon thing in the middle.  This challenge was a real challenge for me. I couldn't keep track of my ribbons! I'll have to practice a bit more on that one!


Susan said…
This is wonderful! I like how you have gone from large to small. It certainly shows off well against the other tangles.
Lutka And Co. said…
Very Nice! It all comest together very well!
Susan said…
I think it looks great. Love how it goes from larger down to small. I LOVE the tangle on the bottom left...what is that called? Are there directions for it somewhere? I need to try it!!
I'm hungry for strudel now.
maggiekat said…
I love the way you brought out the twist in the ribbons! And for Susan: that's 'Nzeppel: published in ZT newsletter Aug '09.
ledenzer said…
I love the perspective with the punzel ascending rather than descending.

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