Hometown Parade

I moseyed on down to the Ear on Sunday. It was "Knit In Public Day" and they reserved all of their front lawn for knitters who wanted to watch the HomeTown Festival parade.

There were bagpipers. I LOVES me a man in a kilt.

And Scoopie from Culvers
The Swiss Fire Brigade that climbed up a ladder in the middle of the street.
Human Porcupines ...
And Mr. T wannabees, on bikes.
Great Danes...
... and this guy. This is Katie's son Cole. He's rocking this season's Cub Scout look with panache! Note the scarf undone a la Arrowsmith, and the shades!
Who cares if you're in the middle of a parade? A photo op is a photo op! Glad the kid behind him didn't run over him!

It was a great parade and though it was overcast, the rain held off until about 10 minutes after the parade was over. We Hoggenbloggers went inside The Ear and knit the afternoon away while the rain pattered outside. Perfect way to spend a Sunday!


Lisa/knitnzu said…
Oooohhh! Big dogs in a parade! Sure beats all the firetrucks blaring their sirens at the ends of our parades.
MadCityMike said…
Did you notice on a recent posting of mine that Don was at "bagpipe camp"? Soon he'll be out there a'blowing, too!
dale-harriet said…
I am MOST delighted that you took pictures........being as I got there at 1:00, thinking that was when it started. As YOU (and the rest o' the Hoggenbloggers) knew, it started at noon. Oh well, there'll be next year. And having the "afterparty" inside was worth the trip. It was NO kinda wasted time.
Cindy G said…
Wow, that looks like great fun! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be there. Maybe next year...
DPUTiger said…
OK, that definitely looks like a fun day. Go, you!

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