He's Comin' To Town

I went to friends' for supper the other night and was having a conversation with their 6-year-old. He was pondering about whether Santa Claus would bring him his heart's desire for Christmas this year. I told him that Santa only brought toys for good girls and boys, but from what I could tell, he seemed to be doing OK. He looked at me with a solemnity that only a 6-year-old whose Christmas gifts depend on it can have, and said, "I TRY to be good, but sometimes I'm SO BAD.... SOOO... SOOO BAD! "

I know how he feels. I, Molly of the house of Bee, do solemnly swear, to behave myself at Knit Night. I won't mention exotic fruits and vegetables. I won't make up pimp names for Ben-the-Barista and then get the group to flash gang signs at him. I won't make 'Google' innuendos. I will be the picture of piety and politeness....to the best of my ability....if I can. Ok....er....well, I'll try. Don't expect miracles but if I don't at least start trying at this late date, Santa will skip my house for sure. Here's to a shot at redemption!


Sue said…
Being good is highly over rated....Go forth and have a good time at the Sows Ear. Your friends will expect nothing less from you so it is best not to disappoint.
Cindy G said…
Oh go on, Santa wants you to be bad at Knit Night. (Like the rest of us, he really needs a good laugh now and then).
YarnThrower said…
Your blog always makes me smile!

Looking forward to your report of whether or not St. Nick's elves were peeking in at you while you were mis-behaving at the Sow's Ear.
dale-harriet said…
Awww, and I missed it! Well, I can check with other Hog-and-Bloggers as to your behavior. Or -- hmm, how like am I to get a straight answer from the fellow conspirators........nuts, bet I missed some fun.
Lisa/knitnzu said…
So... I think you should keep on keeping on being bad. (You should have been with us last night... we were at a s3x t0y party... yowsa! who knew?)
Elizabeth said…
Sorry I wasn't there to contribute to your delinquency. Maybe next time.
Kitty Mommy said…
Well, not toooo bad, if you don't count the drownings and stabbings. Fortunately, Santa is a fairly understanding sort...

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