Happy Birthday Amy Detjen!

I've been having a bit of a rough time of it of late. The holiday blues have been wreaking havok with me for a couple of weeks now. Today I finally caught a break. The weather was warm (well high 30°s anyway). I got a lot of errands done in the morning. I took Bentley down for his mani/pedi... and he didn't lock me out of the car. But best of all....as I was perusing in my latest time suck, Ravelry, I noticed that The Sow's Ear had sent out an invitation to Amy Detjen's birthday party this afternoon! So of course instead of doing any of the rest of things on my list, I packed up my knitting and was out the door before the page had fully loaded!

So get this:

  • I got to see Amy D. who I haven't seen in a month of Sunday's (and who's blog mysteriously up 'n' died...ummm let's see...was just about a year ago now, wasn't it Amy?) which is always delightful. She's one of those people who just cheers you up by existing on the planet. I don't get to see her nearly enough.
  • Amy LURVES purple so we were encouraged to wear it. Since the majority of my wardrobe is purple and blue I managed to pull together a purple sweater, coat and knitting bag with no trouble at all.
  • Any yarn with purple in it was on sale!
  • The place was packed with a lot of my knitting peeps to knit and visit with.
  • The new holiday lattes were available; peppermint mocha, eggnog latte and something called Turtle Dove (I think it's a steamer)....yum.
  • And I didn't spill any this time. I know! That's gets its own bullet point.
  • AND THERE WAS CAKE! The true reason for my existance on the planet. White wedding cake too....my fav!

So I'll give you a minute to absorb the delightfulness that was this day; warm weather, Amy D. , purple, friends, lattes, yarn sale and cake. The stars don't align that perfectly very often! Who can feel sorry for themselves on a day like today?

Now it's back to life and our regularly scheduled programming....but at least I'm more chipper about it!


YarnThrower said…
Hang in there!! You're amazing! And, I'm so glad that you are knitting enough to account for my lack of knitting much of anything lately!
Anonymous said…
Waah! You must have left before I got there. After Amy left, a beautiful flower arrangement arrived... from Meg Swansen. -> ! <- We were all gobsmacked. I'll probably be at the Ear next Saturday afternoon, too, trying to finish my Christmas knitting...

p.s. I'm going to pretend my verification word - oxess - is not a comment on my weight :P
dale-harriet said…
Aw, I missed it! Puh-FOOEY! Well...I'm glad you were Representing Hog-n-Blog! (Yeah and I missed cake.....grrr...but isn't it BEAUTIFUL?) Probably just as well I didn't go, I was probably INFECTIVE with a Turrible Cold with which I've been stricken. I'm in a perfectly dreadful....*quandy* (my v-word,they really are neat these days) :o)
Cindy G said…
Sounds like a great time. I'm so glad you got to go.
DPUTiger said…
Keep your inner Tigger alive!

Verification word is "faventgr." Makes me think of Silence of the Lambs and Lechter's fava beans and a nice chianti. :)
Lisa/knitnzu said…
So I'm just getting the first chance in maybe a week to read some blogs. I have been thinking about you, and hoping you are holding up ok for the holiday. Those truffles look wicked! I'll email you a couple of yummy chocolate type recipes...

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