Photo Ops

Why I haven't been knitting! My newest addiction!
When I'm not showing off my hand knit socks that it!
Or making these! (Biggify! You know you wanna!)Yep! It's that time of year! Time for Halloween finger food! This year I threw in some toes for good measure!
Halloween party at work tomorrow. This is an integral part of my costume! Heh Heh Heh!
Details on THAT later!


dale-harriet said…
LOVE the red ends on your "finger food" -- I've seen them made various ways, could you (she said, whiningly) share what yours are? I'm spending the week dressed as a Cool Dead Wisconsinite for the "Odd" aspect at the Museum,and having a very good time!

(My verification word is "FECTIONN" - I think that's what I'm going to be producing during NaNoWriMo!)
Sus said…
The finger food is so cute!! I'm not dressing up this year, so I'm living vicariously through my blog friends -- can't wait to see your complete costume!
DPUTiger said…
I LOVE PUZZLES! Have you tried Love that website too. Sex-ay boot. Very nice!
Elizabeth said…
I can really get derailed by jigsaw puzzles, too. Hope your toe is on the mend.

Happy Halloween!
How many fingerless candy people are hobbling around on stump feet because you had to be so damn cute? Shame. That's all I can say. Shame on you!
MadCityMike said…
Very cool fingers/toes! I hope that you answer dale-harriet with a resounding yes(!) and include it in your next blog entry?
Cindy G said…
OH NOES, not the Halloween fingers.....

And OK, cough up about the costume, because I'm assuming it's going to be hysterical (no pressure or anything)
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Can't wait for the details on a costume that uses a urine specimen jar! Someplace recently I saw skull pastas... you make the pasta and stuff it w/ spinach and cheese and make little skull shapes. They actually sounded really tasty! Today has been a really hard day.

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