Happy Birthday To Me...

Yesterday I completed my 43rd successful mission around the sun. My plan to live forever? So far so good. It was a strange birthday for me, being alone this year for the first time. It wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated but I will definitely be going to dinner with friends next year instead of going it alone. I filled my time doing a little retail therapy and bought a new small digital camera with the money my Grammie sent me. Thanks Grammie!

I was so excited about the fact that it's pink that I tried to take a picture of it. Yes I am that big of of a dork. And to think that this is the best possible one of the 8 million I took. At least you can tell it's pink!

Then I tried it out of the Halloween Skull dish cloth that was the pattern at this month's Dish Cloth night at The Sow's Ear....and started to suspect that no matter how fancy the camera...I am the world's worst photographer!

Finally I decided to try it out on the guy who's always photogenic....

"Me? Oh Crap."

"Fine. I'll pose."

"But I'm gonna lie down if I get tired."

"Seriously, enough is enough."

At least it's little so I can take crappy pictures anywhere. It fits right in my purse! I hope to get some shots of the fall colors on my way to Adams-Friendship on Saturday. It's supposed to be a glorious day for a drive! With that kind of subject matter, maybe I'll be able to take at least a couple of decent ones. Time will tell....until next time...


DPUTiger said…
That looks a lot like the camera my LYS owner has. Yay, fun birthday presents! Happy Birthday! :)
Anonymous said…
Arg, it ate my comment.

Happy Birthday Molly Bee! Pretty spiffy pink camera you got there! (and it looks just like the one I just got a rain check for in silver...)
Cloudberry said…
Happy Birthday!
MadCityMike said…
Happy B-day! Wishing you many more!
Have a safe drive tomorrow!
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Happy Birthday you wicked young whippahsnappah! (it seems I am just under 4.5 years older than you...). I am totally dorky that way too. So when I turned 30 (which now seems so young), I had a crappy/wonderful birthday. I had just left my 8-9 year relationship, partly because of being back in school, and the guy I had a total crush on had left me, and the impact of it all was heavy. Mostly I was mourning the loss of the long relationship, that yawning chasm of bleak blackness that mocked me as I stood on the precipice? Yeah, it was then. So I'm sitting on the couch in my good friend and housemate's house, sobbing, wallowing a bit maybe. And she comes in from the other room holding up a pie with 30 lit candles. She looked like the statue of liberty. I sobbed even more that I had such a good friend. She is still a good friend, and though on the other side of the country, is with me when I need her. And grandmothers? They can be so great. I miss both of mine and wish I got more stories from each of them, knew more about their lives from them. You should get a good picture of you and your grammie with that cute little pink camera! And since you'd have to take a few to get that good one, at least you'd get to spend some more time with her. :)
Anonymous said…
Happy, Happy Birthday Molly Bee!

You are doing great with the pics of your most handsome canine model named Ben!
I like your pictures. I think they are nice.
Anonymous said…
Happy Belated Birthday!!! Sorry I missed commenting on the day. I keep forgetting that your birthday is only two weeks after mine!

Virtual cake has been eaten in your honor :)
Cindy G said…
Oh, I'm sorry to be late with the good wishes, but a very heartfelt Happy Birthday.

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