Maybe Cider's Not For Me Either

I swear to God people, I never touched a drop of caffeine tonight! It was apple cider, and not the kind that had 'turned' either! And I was STILL a giggle monkey with way too much energy at Knit Night. To be fair, I wasn't the only one flying a little on the wild side this evening. I had company:

  • We managed to rename Ben-The-Barista "Caf-Daddy" after he proclaimed himself a caffeine pusher. We even gave him a gang sign (tap hand to the chest and make a 'C' with the same hand and pretend to drink from it).
  • We discussed how Catholic school children used to bring pennies to school during Lent to buy little plastic pagan babies and rename them and how I would probably have been resentful about having to spend my candy allowance on pagan babies and would have named them all "Snickers".
  • I managed to douse myself with apple cider during a laughing fit when one of the ladies revealed that she was sitting and sweating in her jacket because she was bra-less underneath and couldn't take it off. The ladies' suggestions for how to remedy the situation, Macgyver-style, using only the items on hand, was priceless.


  • When the gentleman sitting next to me announced that he couldn't look up something on his laptop for a lady because he 'couldn't get his Google up'...well, it was pan-de-monium, lemme tell ya! I had to leave for my own safety as well as the safety of others. What a hoot!

And I got no knitting done. My yarn was tangled. I dropped my needles 27,000 times. I made holes all over the baby hat I was working on and it was stockinet stitch. For the love of God, knitting straight stitch round-n-round was the only thing I had going for me these days and I've apparently lost that! I don't know what my problem is, but lately I can't knit well... something that rhymes with 'knit'. I've unraveled my DNA Scarf, frogged the Frog hat, and now I've bounced the baby project as well! Back to knitting with no distractions for a while I guess. [Although, to be honest, if I was totally alone in a plain white room I could find a way to be distracted. (Oh, look! A corner! Cool!) At one point tonight, Jen mentioned that there was new sock yarn with shiny stuff in it and I nearly trampled her to death trying to get to it before the words were all the way out of her mouth. Shiny! Colors! Soft! Yeah, distraction-free knitting may not be obtainable.]

Time to go wind down with my new book (The Gargoyl by Andew Davidson-excellent!!) and get some shut eye before my big trip up north to my friends' cabin tomorrow. It's only up in Adams-Friendship but somehow 'my big trip a little north and east of here' didn't have the same ring to it. I'll try to take a couple of decent pics of the fall colors along the way. Wish me luck! If my past artistry has taught you anything, you know I'm gonna need it!


YarnThrower said…
I hope you always have such a great sense of humor and ability to make people laugh, though I'm confident you will!

I need to get to a knit night one of these Fridays. I've been falling asleep in odd places lately, wiped out from school and everything else, so I was afraid to leave the house last night....
Anonymous said…
OMG I wish I could have seen that. I missed everyone.

Oh look! A corner!!
That knit night is the place to be. You've got to come to knitting camp next year. We could use some livening up I think. I'm pretty sure Ben the dogg could also come. Caf Daddy is definitely welcome!
DPUTiger said…
The Shiny is always a dangerous distraction. I nearly came home with a vest's worth of yarn (from work at the LYS) today, but an entire bag of the color I wanted is MIA. Good luck, and have a wonderful time "a little north and a little east." I'm Jealous! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, yeah, shiny. I have a hank of the pretty bluey-purpley-handpainty-silvery sock yarn, too. Some of the most awesomest yarn I have ever bought. Too pretty for socks, and I am not a shawl person, so what to make to show it off? Who cares; I think I'm just going to coo at it and pet it for now...
Kitty Mommy said…
Too much fun last night, though squirreliness-wise, I think I may have out-squirreled you.

After listening to you and Susan doing the whole "What Day of the Week is on First" routine, Bean got a birthday present in the mail today. Guess how many times I have gone through "Saturday, Sunday, Monday, then Tuesday is your birthday routine"?
Elizabeth said…
I was just watching from across the room, and it was a pretty amusing scene.

Kathy kathy kathy is right: you have to come to Alt Knitting Camp next year. We'll schedule it around your needs.
MadCityMike said…
I'm sure you always bring sunshine to any situation. Lacking being there to "witness" the hilarity, it certainly lost nothing in the telling. Thank you! ;)
dale-harriet said…
O BLAYTHER, and I missed it! Well, I did have a good reason: I was a the Fall Retreat of the Wisconsin Chapter of SCBWI (I'll tell you what that is when I see you). Suffice it to say, everyone there writes children's stories. I didn't laugh, but it was INFINITELY worthwhile. I got to hang out with Holly Black (never heard of her before then) BUT!!! She wrote the "Spiderwick" books, among other stuff. Still........I wusht I coulda been there.
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Maybe you'll drop your camera and it'll snap some great pics when it hits the ground?

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