Frog's Ears and Wild Cats

Guess what this is? Why, it's a frog's ear of course. I started a froggie hat for a wee friend for Christmas. I found the free pattern on line. Isn't it the cutest thing ever? What good are other peoples' little kids if you can't make them silly hats? The kids love 'em and wear them. The parents have to live down being seen in public with their child sporting frog eyeballs on the top of his head. It truly is a win win situation for childless knitter with an odd sense of humor such as myself!

Kudo's to the designer of this one. It's a very clever design. There is a dinosaur one too. Gosh I wish the kid had two heads....but if he did, he's already look silly and wouldn't need the hats...Oy! Life's ironies!

I added another metaphorical hat to my collection today (as in 'she wears many hats'). This hat comes with a wee chair and whip, for I am to be.... (echo...echo....echo) The Kitten Tamer...(echo, echo, echo). Dog Whisperer eat your heart out! [Is real life as weird as it is in my head?]

Anyway...I saw an ad for a local vet that said 'we need kitten tamers, call for info'. So whattaya gonna do, right? Ya gotta call! It's like a double dog ( dare! So I did and now my Saturday mornings are devoted to socializing the wiley beasties for adoption. So I kinda lied. It's more of a feather-on-a-stick and piece of string that comes with the hat rather than a whip and chair. And no. I won't be bringing any home. Bentley likes to nosh in the cat box, and in a place as small as mine, it would be an ugly situation so I'll just get my kitty fix there!

I'll teach them all the standard kitty tricks; not coming when called...ignoring you when you speak....not learning their own name....walking on the kitchen counters when you're not looking and clawing up the sofa. Someone's gotta do it! No wait! I think they come with those tricks already installed, so maybe I'll just cuddle and smooch 'em a lot. You know I'll come home all scratched and chewed up but it'll be worth it for quality (as well as quantity) kitty time! And the kitties will be so glad when I leave and stop slobbering all over them that they'll be perfect angels in order to be adopted into another home before I come back the next Saturday. I'm sensing a plan coming together, People!

Off to finish my homework. I'm taking a "Women and Money" class. This is class three and so far I've learned that I don't have any money. And I paid $45 to learn that. Wait a minute....methinks I may see the problem....


Kitty Mommy said…
Awww! Cute froggie hat! And cuddling cute kittens? Methinks that earns another "Awwww!"
MadCityMike said…
You do have one of the busiest schedules of anyone I know.
"Methinks" you drink the excessive caffeine for a reason! ;)
knitnzu said…
Wild beast tamer you... I can tell you how to make a bullwhip (out of duct tape)... it was on the craftzine blog if you want to look for it.
Elizabeth said…
That's an adorable froggie hat.

Enjoy the kitties!
Sus said…
What a cute hat!! ::furiously thinking of all the wee ones she knows that need a hat like that::

Kitten tamer sounds like an awesome job! Snuggle up some o' them kitties for the rest of us, too!
Anonymous said…
You lucky! What a neat way to spend a saturday morning. Love the hat...almost as cute as the "furry socks" that some little girl used to have years and years ago!!!
Cindy G said…
Kitten tamer! At the age of 50-mumble, I've just decided what I want to be when I grow up!

The frog hat is adorable.
dale-harriet said…
Oh, Molly-bee, THANK YOU, on behalf of all those kitties - when I read this I was all "ME TOO ME TOO"....and then realized what a majorly BAD idea that would be. Because I WOULD want to bring them home, and the two Resident Daughters of Bast would not take kindly to it. Sooooooo...give 'em a snorgle for me, wouldja? (And yes, those skills are inbred, believe you me)
I'm going back to read the rest of the post, but I was stopped in my tracks at first glance by the frog ears. I suppose frogs can hear, but do they really have ears that stick out enough to be knitted? I've got to look up a picture of a frog. As an elementary educator, I have to admit that frogs are one of those animals I have trouble whipping out a quick sketch of.

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