This Just Off The Wheel!

This is a Merino top and silk blend. I spun it all one color at a time because I didn't know any better. Where was Dave Daniels when I needed him! So there are long repeats, but I like it. It hasn't been washed yet but I thought I'd show it off anyway! Off to quilt!


peaknits said…
simply put...gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
She is right, that is just gorgeous. Get your butt over here and teach me how to do that...and I will give you my Jacob Sheep roving!
Elizabeth said…
It looks like rainbow sherbet! MMMM. Are you a born spinning prodigy or what? A natural, I tell ya!
firedupfairy said…
look how pretty! i thought you said you only have a week's worth of spinning! holy cow, you'd never know!

i've been spinning since may. the yarn on my bobbins are both single ply right now. if i ever get to spinning again (i've been consumed with baby knitting), it will eventually be 2 plyb
bobbi said…
beautiful yarn indeed.
i'm impressed
Anonymous said…
It looks gorgeous to me! The colors all go so well together.
Cindy G said…
I like long repeats! The colors are just lovely.

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