There's Something Fishy Going On...

I finished one of my 'Walk on the Wild Tide' socks. Wasn't just floundering around was I? Only took 2 days! I really like the pattern a lot. As written, you slip a stitch over two rows to make it pop. I did that on the leg, but on the top of the foot I did it for 3 rows to make it pop a little more since that's the part you can see in my new shoes. Wicked gaw-jus, Deah!

Sticking with the seaside theme, I made a wicked good fish chowder tonight. It was easy, delicious, had simple ingredients and made me homesick for Maine. If you'd like the recipe email me at mollybees at charter daht net and I will gladly send it to you. Yummy! Even Mr. Bee didn't do his usual carping about having soup for supper. Which is good because it makes a pretty good pot full so eel be eating it for a couple more days!

And in an effort keep plastic waste out of our lakes and oceans, (clever segue , no?) I have been shrimping and saving plastic bags that our Sunday paper comes in for a while now. I have quite a few. Here's what they look like all flattened out and neat like.

And here's one bag cut into a continuous thin strip and ready to be knit into the beginning of a tote bag! There something to the tuna 60 bags so I may be cutting for years and it may be a whale of a bag indeed! Holy Mackerel!
On that note, I'll be off before ya'll get crabby about all of the puns. Even though I put them all in there on porpoise! I'm going to walk Ben and make plans for the Sheep and Wool Festival before I think of some clever way to work the word turtle in.


Elizabeth said…
I'm floundering from all your fishy puns.

Hope to see you at Sheep and Wool.
DPUTiger said…
That sock pattern has me intrigued. Where is it from? Too tired for fish jokes. I need to get to sleep! :)
peaknits said…
Well, glad you aren't doing any froggin' doh! Love how the socks came out. Can't wait to hear what you think about the Sheep and Wool! She sheep are soo cool!
knitnzu said…
So when you bandy about 'wicked' out in your current hinterlands, do people have any idea what you're talkin' about or do they look at ya like your 'deaf as a hake'?

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