We're all packed and ready to roll. Leaving at 4AM tomorrow for my home State of Maine ! I may get a chance or two to check in while I'm there, but if not, see you all on the 16th!
Just got a comment on my last blog entry reminding me that Monday is actually the last day of November, not today. So I have TWO more entries to complete NaBloPoMo; today and TOMORROW. How sad would that have been...to blow the whole thing because I can't read a calendar? I just figured, hey, December is coming next week, might's well start it out first thing on Monday! This here is a picture of my BubberKev and I at Thanksgiving. We're taking a momentary break from strangling each other to goof at the camera. Our mamma must be so proud! Back to online Christmas shopping! Have a great Sunday evening!
I've been setting aside tangles that I've created in a special file in my cabinet. When I put one in last night, I realized that I had quite a stockpile and that I hadn't put only of them out there for others to try...so here they all are. I'm not good at stepouts or at naming. Most of them are named after placed in Maine...just because. I'd love to see any tangles that you've done that use any of these patterns! Have fun and tangle on!
This morning, Ben and I had an encounter with our blue heron friend. He's always on the far side of the pond if he's there at all and when I looked I didn't see him. The last couple of days he hasn't been and I figured he'd headed south for the winter. We ambled down the sidewalk to the far end of the pond where the reeds are only a few feet from the sidewalk. All in a whoosh, the heron flew up out of the reeds right beside us, swooped at us, over our heads and then circled back around to the far end of the pond and landed! For a minute there it was all wings and beak and long dangly feet! Scared the B ejeepers out of me !!! Had my eyes not rolled back in my head from shock and being just a hair this side of 'the vapors', I would had thought to look for his special 'toe comb' that Knitzu told me about, but I was busy trying to figure out what the police report would say about cause of death-'beaten and then eaten by gangly marsh bird' p...