Inktober: Week 4

Yay! The last week of Inktober. It is fun, but the pressure of HAVING to do a tile every day, gets to me after a while! I'm glad I did it though. October 25 This was also the Diva Challenge for last week. To use only two tangle patterns. nZepple (the grid) and Flux (the leaves). October 26 Not being 100% happy with yesterday's stab at the Diva Challenge, I tried again. October 27 And Again. This proving that I should quit while I'm ahead. Blech! October 28 But I never learn so I took one last stab at it. Enough! October 29 Spring thoughts on an autumn day. October 30 Watching the movie 'Victor Frankenstein' (which was unexpectedly awesome...Harry Potter was in it!) I think that may be where all of the wheels and cogs came from! October 31 Rumor has it that Moose wanted a canine-themed tile. I really phoned this one it. I had to be up early this morning to get it in since I work all day and will be busy all ...