Diva's St. Patrick's Day Challenge

I was a little bummed that I wouldn't have time to do the Diva's Challenge this week, but when I looked this morning [I'm like a little kid at Christmas every Monday morning; pulling the paper off  to see what the challenge/gift will be for this week! Whether I can do the challenge that week or not, it's always exciting to see what it is!]  and I saw that it was a St. Patrick's Day challenge, I realized that I already DID the challenge last Saturday after my Celtic Zentangle class! We learned all kinds of Celtic-y patterns in class and then Katie, Zentangle teacher extraordinaire, sent us home with 'extra credit' which was the instructions on how to do the knot below. I came right home and tried it out. I even put it on a real tile!  I suppose it's cheating a wee bit, but I'm submitting it anyway. Can I help it if I'm psychic? Or perhaps a time traveler? At any rate, I hope no leprechauns get me for this submission!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! 


Anonymous said…
How Pretty! Love your knot!
jeanchaneyaz said…
This is a stunning piece. Maybe it's "the luck of the Irish" that made this possible :)
Deb Myers said…
Oh my! I love it! I may have to borrow your string... would that be okay?
Beautiful work. You're psychic. That's your story and your sticking to it. There are no mistakes in Zentangle. I interpret that to mean it's also impossible to cheat. ;-) Seriously, embrace the serendipity.
Maggibee said…
It's a lovely tile and there's no shame in being extra well prepared is there?
I love the Celtic feel of this tile! <3
A very happy coincidence, that's what I think it is :-)
The tile is beautiful!
Absolutely wonderful! So lovely celtic knot!
Ilse said…
Beautiful knot!
bmlilith60 said…
Beautiful tile.
It was meant to be...beautiful work whether you did it today or two months ago! LOVELY!
ecshelton said…
Color me jealous! I'd love to have those instructions. Great job...even if it was in advance!!!
Anonymous said…
Nice Celtic knot. I've been getting tangled up in them this week,too. Well tangled on all fronts.
Nice job. I see nothing wrong with using something made so recently. Like the hybrid part of the knot.
CharKat said…
I <3 your knot!
LezliB said…
Very nicely done tile, looks great!

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