Diva Challenge and Mother Nature's Dirty Tricks!

This week's Diva Challenge # 210 was to use a spiral as a string.  I had an idea, but it all blended in together until I added the shading.  It's better but it's still not like it was in my head but it was fun to play with anyway.  I always put my first try up so here it is.

I know that my friends and family are all totally buried on the East Coast and I really don't have any grounds to complain, but that's never stopped me before...so... 

All our snow was gone. We even had a couple of days in the 70°s! Spent Sunday at the park, rejoicing in the open water...

Hunting for fossils...

 Walking by the river...

Communing with the chittering muskrats...

Walking a new path in the spring woods....

That had fun bridges over the melted snow and mud.

My crocuses bloomed on Sunday afternoon!

Then Monday morning I woke to this!

We were supposed to get 1-3 inches...we got 10-12 inches instead!  Darn you and your nasty surprises, Mother Nature.   There's only one thing to say in a situation like that.....


Ulrike B. said…
your spiral string tile ist so beautyful. i like the black pearls
lilystangles said…
Very nice tile :)
SuzyMosh said…
Nice pearls!
Very lovely tile with these black pearls!
I'm not sure what your tile looked like in progress, but with your shading, you certainly achieved depth. I feel like I could pick up the string of "pearls".

I'm not sure where you live, but I know my friends and family in Philadelphia and environs were somewhat annoyed with more snow on or about March 20th. I missed it by getting out of Dodge---to Turkey. I spruced up my tile post for this week's challenge with some photos of tangle inspirations I found there.
I'm not sure how your tile looked in progress, but you certainly managed to add depth with your shading and ended up with a pleasing composition.
Anonymous said…
Very nice spiral string of pearls!
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you had a fun time outdoors! Looking for fossils is so awesome. Nice tile too, isn't it shading such a game changer?
I like your duo spiral and the shading in it. Hope there will be just spring at your place from now on.

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