Diva Challenge: Pea'nuckle

This week's challenge from the Diva's blog was to use the new pattern 'Pea-nuckle' in a tangle. I was excited to start but soon realized that it's a difficult pattern for me. The spacing has to be pretty correct so that you can connect everything and really make it shine.  It's the pattern there on the left hand side. As you can see, I failed miserably.  I'll keep trying. It looks great if it's done correctly.
It was still a fun challenge and neat to do it in the small size that official 'Zetangles' are supposed to be-3.5' square. I usually use a lot more real estate. Thanks again Diva for a great challenge and a relaxing evening!


Sara said…
Love it! Pea-Nuckle is hard!
Anonymous said…
I love your tile. Your patterns are so well done. They just seem to flow into each other.
ledenzer said…
Pea-knuckle worked out perfectly in your tile! It was a challenge an one that I think you are good at doing.
Sandy Hunter said…
MB, I can relate; I had trouble with 'over-curling' the initial S-shapes too. If you want to hide it, you could probably do some heavy shading along the edges to conceal the 'curls'. Though I think you should just consider this a slight variation of pea-nuckle... because if you think of this as its own pattern and not as the one you were looking at when you started drawing, you'll realize that it actually looks really good. :o) Your lines are consistent, your shading looks great. The other patterns you picked to go with it are perfect. Clever signature/date, too. I like everything about this tile.
Molly Bee said…
Thanks Sandy! I appreciate the feedback!
Kitty Mommy said…
Um...er...other right?
Unknown said…
I think your Pea-Nuckle turned out great! I like it!
Anonymous said…
I think you Pea-knuckle is beautifully done!

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