Tote Bag

I have ventured into the world of tote bags. Here is a knitting bag I doodled on Sunday night. It's 100% cotton and hand drawn in permanent black ink.I'm thinking about trying to sell them at knit shops locally or maybe open an Etsy Shop to sell doodled bags, necklaces, note cards and book marks but I haven't really investigated and don't know if there would be enough interest to bother. All of my stuff is pen and ink/black and white.  I think people tend to lean toward bright colors.  At any rate, I kind of like this one. That will be the hard part if I decide to try and sell them, letting it go if someone wants it and not adding it to my already bulging bag collection!

Do any of you all have an Etsy shop? Do you sell any crafty things through local shops? Any hints/tips/tricks!  All suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


egebs said…
I totally think you could and should sell these.

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