Question of the Day

A dash of color or no?


MadCityMike said…
I vote for both! Color and Blk/wht! Why not cater to those who wouldn't know unless they saw each? OR....maybe they'd want BOTH! ;)
Elizabeth said…
I agree with MadCityMike.
dale-harriet said…
I was prepared to say "color would be redundant" or "probably not necessary to enhance the designs".....then I looked at it. It's breathtaking - add my vote to MadCityMike's and Elizabeth's.
Michelle said…
Another vote for both; LOVE the pop of yellow in the sunflower!
Sara said…
A dash of color is good! I overdid the color on a rather large piece and it ruined it. The piece here is just perfect!
Barb said…
Both....some days feel like black and white and some days are for vibrant colors....ya, both.

How easy was that?
I don't think there is enough color in the world, especially around here.
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Tough the color is interesting, I find the b&w doodles much more engaging... not sure why!

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