Experiments With Color

Thanks for all of the great feedback yesterday you guys. I think some color and some black and white is the way to go. Now to experiment with color. I'm not comfortable with merging lots of colors and coloring the whole thing in.  Here are a couple of things I tried last night. I'd love to hear what you think!

Just a couple of color pops...

Limited three color palette with less saturation/intensity.


Elizabeth said…
In these examples, I like how the color makes the writing easier to read.

I think you can trust your judgement to do just enough.
lalitterer said…
I like the small points of color. The one pictured at the bottom with lots of color is also very attractive, but it looks like it took a long time to do. I think some customers would like the color-it-yourself aspect of the black & white version. Especially if you charge considerably more for the colored-in ones. Considering the extra time and resources, charging more for color is only fair.
Sara said…
Sweet! Good choices on the coloring...and the amount of color used!
MadCityMike said…
When I read "lalitter's" comment, it made me think of adding a set of permanent ink pens, as a "kit", if you will, to your display. They could be separate from the black/white bags, but offered as a "suggestion" for someone to color their own bag, thus adding to the mix a "customer engaged in creating their own effect", too. Even is someone didn't purchase a set of markers from you, they may be inclined to think that they could buy a design and then take it home for their own fill in choices, although that would defeat your purpose of them as all your design. Decisions, decision, eh? ;)
dale-harriet said…
I see three categories, Melinda: black-and-white; colored-in; color accents. I don't know as I'd presume to color in the pure ones.....but they're ALL amazing, not a clunker in the lot! You ARE gifted!! (Must come from the other side of the family....)
egebs said…
I like both version.
Kari W. said…
They are all lovely but I especially like the little pops of color which to me are very effective on the bag shown.

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