Mollydoodle Monday

This week's endeavors:

The 'tree' in the middle is an experiment gone horribly wrong, but the pussy willows on either side are my own invention.  I'll post the instructions at the end of the entry.
 Liked the little corner things while I was doing them but they make everything unbalanced.
 I like this one a lot.

 Close up
This is my latest one. I think it may be the largest.  I can't seem to get the basket weave design down, that's why there are two large dragonflies on it covering most of it up-it was too big a patch to look that barren and goofy.  I still have to shade it and it will be interesting to see if shading makes that big a difference. Maybe I will post a side by side when I'm done.
Here is the guide for Pwizzles
Happy Tangling this week!

Later: Adding a note to post the Week 14 Diva Challenge-Only using straight lines, no curves, curls, spirals, circles, donuts or pwizzles!  Everything on this supposed to be straight, if it appears otherwise it's because of my new discovered 'Can't Draw A Straight Line To Save My Life' disability.


Sara in WI said…
Thanks for the guide for the Pwizzles! I'll be trying those out tonight for sure!
ptrish40 said…
I love pussy willows and tried to make a tangle of them and failed terribly - You've nailed it!!! Fantastic! Great stuff MollyBee!!!
Kreanimo said…
Lovely tangles! I like them very much. The one with the barbed wire is very cool!
Sandra said…
A very nice series of drawings! They are so very rich in shades of black and patterning. I agree - the barbed wire one is excellent.
Zoechaos said…
All your tangles are wonderful, the tree works! As do the decorated corners. Came following your link from The Diva to your striaght lines nice work loving the crowns XOXO Zoe
Beth Skipper said…
The dragonflies look great on top of the basketweave. Love the new Pwizzles tangle, thank you for sharing!

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