A-maze-ingly Corny Afternoon

I was invited to participate in a Team Building event for work last week. We went to Shuster's Fun Time Farm in Deerfield to try our luck in the Corn Maze. It was a blast! A swanky limo showed up to ferry us to the farm. You can't see it here, but there was even a little sink in the thing!

When we got there we had an opening ice breaker exercise and snacks in the round barn. What a beautiful building with the silo in the middle!
You can see a bit of the outside of it in the background of this picture where one of our colleagues from Italy is taking a little rest in a very big chair!

We participated in a wide variety of competitive activities. Like Pig Racing...
And goose racing....

And the corn maze....
which was a little bit terrifying to be honest. This was taken from the top of a bridge above the maze....a vertically challenged person's nightmare....nothing but a sea of corn. AND the fact that we RAN it. I'z built for comfort, not for speed, I iz!
After the maze, the owners pulled out the big guns. This one was my favorite. It's a corn cob gun. A half a corn cob is shoved down the tube with a long stick and then you press the button and compressed air shoots it out. It was very Wyle Coyote-esque. I've ordered a Build Your Own Corn Gun kit from the ACME folks. I turned out to be a pretty good shot!

Oh, but I said they pulled out the BIG guns didn't I? Well how's this? The bad boy on the back of that truck shoots small pumpkins. I don't know the exact distance they go, but I think we should have gotten permission from the tower at Dane County Regional to launch and there is a very good chance that although we shot it last Tuesday, it still hasn't landed. It was AWESOME!

By the way, the guy in that picture was our limo driver. When he picked us up he has on a bright,white,business shirt and tie and looked like a Secret Service agent. After we INSISTED he participate in ALL of the events with us he looked a little less...er...crisp. Running the corn maze is dirty work. I think his shirt and tie may still be in there somewhere. It would've been fun to see how he envisioned his day going when he got dressed that morning.

It was a total blast and the farm has a lot more to offer than what I've shown. It's open all fall so check it out!


Cindy G said…
Hmmmm, "team building" sounds like more fun than I ever would have expected.
Elizabeth said…
I always wondered what the inside of those ridiculously oversized limos look like. Now I know! Sounds like a fun day all around, which is unusual for "team building." At Mr. SABLE's old employer, they did one that resulted in everyone being in tears and Mr. SABLE sneaking home at the break.
DPUTiger said…
Your co-worker in that chair reminds me of an SNL sketch that is tickling the edges of my memory. Of course, I can't remember the name of the sketch or find it via Google. Isn't that annoying!

Looks like your retreat was a blast. That's awesome.
YarnThrower said…
Back when I had a real job, we never had such a fun team-building event ! Love it! Also, we've been out to that farm, and it is great! I feel your fear about being inside the corn maze, though, and not able to figure out exactly where you are going... We usually let our kids "lead," and I won't go in without a cell phone...
MadCityMike said…
Sounds like a VERY COOL time! Great post!
terri browne said…
Sounds like so much fun! I hoped you watched out for falling anvils! :)

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