The Day Finally Came!!!

As you know, I've been chompin' at the bit to get to Sheep and Wool this year. I woke up this morning and it was POURING rain-harder than cats and dogs....more like rhinos and wildebeests. The first think I though was, "Great! If this keeps up, the sheep will be the size of chiuauas by the time I get there!" But by the time Miss Mary got to my nest and we hit the open road, it had let up to a drizzle, then a mist, and as we were pulling into Jefferson, it was just gloomy. By then the damage had been done though. Yesterday this sheep won a prize for being the largest sheep in all the land....and today..shrunken to a shadow of his former self.

It was only gloomy outside lemme tell ya. The shop barns were positively vibrating with happy shoppers and color! Color!! COLOR!!!

Multicolored Roving

Solid colored roving
Cones of yarn and more solid roving...

And ummm...some cute kid that I made pose in a dorky felted hat...You can't really tell, but it has these ridiculous, little, white, squigglet thingies on the top. But I think he rocked it don't you?

We shopped one barn and then went to lunch. Miss Mary had the lamb sandwich she was after. I tried not to slap Mary for eating poor defenseless baby sheep. I had the Fully-Grown-And-Therefore-Able-To-Defend-Himself-If-He-Really-Wanted-To Pork Loin sandwich which was marvelous. (Those of you out there who know how the slaughter process works, please don't leave me comments. Just let me live in my own little world where eating baby lambies and cowies is wrong and where fully grown animals throw themselves in front of the ax willingly for our nutritional needs! Thanks!)

After lunch, we shopped the other barn. I got a roadkill sheep toy for Ben (Sheldon Cooper Sheep) at the Border Collie booth and visited the lady who painted the sock blank I just finished. She told me that folks had been looking at the blanks and saying that they had seen the pics of the socks I finished on my blog. Once again, I had forgotten that other folks read this rambling other than Mum!

After Shopping-Round-Two, we went to watch the sheep shearing demonstration or as I like to call it...The "There Was A Sheep? I Didn't See Any Sheep!" Demonstration. This guy picks up the sheep and walks it on its hind legs from the holding pen to where the cutter is.
I know these pics make it look kind of brutal, but the sheep go with him willingly and just lay there while he manipulates them every which way to get the quickest, most efficient, cut.
I mean, just LOOK at those bulging muscles. I'd lay there too wouldn't you? :Blush: My! Is it getting warm in here.....?

Yup. There is no such thing as a bad angle with this guy!

It was Miss Mary's first time at The "There Was A Sheep? I Didn't See Any Sheep!" Demonstration and it was fun to watch her reaction. I think I had to tell her to breath more than once and she may have drooled a little!
We made it home in fine fettle. Tomorrow I'll share the treasures I found while shopping; bobbins and roving and yarn-Oh My! But it's time to rest now. I'm going to count sheep (shearers) as I drift off tonight!


Kitty Mommy said…
LOL. Mr. Shearer was looking about in the market when we were there on Friday and I may have drooled on his bicep while he was standing there.
Sara in WI said…
Oh, my is right! Glad that you had a great time!
Anonymous said…
Look at the dimples on that juvenile model! He will be competition for Mr. Sheep Shearer when he gets older...
Barb said…
Thanks for posting about the S&W. I go every year but a friend of mine is in her last days from cancer and I opted to stay here to be near her. Your pictures and comments are balm to my soul today. Oh, BTW....the shearer is my neighbor!! Just 3/4 of a mile down the road. :0)
MadCityMike said…
My, you do go on about that hunk of man (he is pretty impressive though!). ;)
I drove over to the festival on Friday and did pick up a few skeins of hand dyed yarn, but my main goal was to find patterns, which I am happy to say, I did. I came home with 5, 1 was for the yarn I bought and I started that piece yesterday (in law present). I hadn't planned on buying yarn, but it was too it had a pattern! Hard to resist it when the finished piece is hanging there and looks so good in THAT yarn. ;)
I'm glad you had a nice time. I mentioned to Susan (Yarn Fairy sock blank) about your blog and having a finished pair of socks. She'll be demonstrating dyeing those blanks at a flat bed knitting picnic in a few weeks that I am taking my CSM to for demoing, too.
Have a good one! Great expected!
Lisa/knitnzu said…
"what sheep" was pretty much my reaction! I'll have to see if the shearers I next see are like that, because I sure don't remember any!
Elizabeth said…
Looks like you had a great time with Mary! Sorry I didn't make it. Maybe next year if I manage to burn through some of my stash by then so I don't have to feel so guilty.
YarnThrower said…
I didn't get out there this year, and from your pictures, it's a good thing I didn't... I would never have been able to stay within a budget, and I have goals to reduce my stash this year... Sounds like it was really great, though!
dale-harriet said…
Yup. She was right. Mary said I should look at your "what sheep" pictures. I get it. I'd love to overhear the conversation of those newly-shorn sheep as they return to the pen.....
Cindy G said…
Yeah, no question that the sheep shearer is hot.

Was sorry to miss WS&W this year, so it was nice to have your pictures to live a little vicariously. (And I do mean roving pictures as well as that guy)
DPUTiger said…
I am sure I'll look at fiber festivals VERY differently now that I'm weaving as well. Glad you had fun!

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