Wisdom Wednesday

I was thinking of canceling Wisdom Wednesday today because I am down with a head cold and in such a grumpy state that I figured there were no viable lessons to be gleaned from my virus laden stupor. About 2 minutes after that thought, I discovered that there is indeed valuable experience to be gathered and passed along in every situation...

♥I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, I'm just gonna tell 'ya. DON'T... as in DO... NOT...EVER... use one of those fancy tissues laced with Vick's VapoRub and then try to remove your contact lenses. Just sayin'. Again, I perform these experiments so you don't have too.

What did YOU learn this week?


Cindy G said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cindy G said…
I think Blogger ate my first attempt at commenting.

1) Ouch

2) Hope you feel better soon
Mel said…
That's right up there with the time I learned that you should wear gloves when cutting really super hot chilis. Especially right before going to the bathroom. Or rubbing your eyes.
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Oh, jah, last week I learned that you should remember which finger you use to rub the Vick's on your chest, so you don't also use that finger to rub your eye.
Kitty Mommy said…
Yeah, I already knew the Vicks-laced tissue thing, but it was allergy eyes, not contacts. I also learned the chili pepper thing a while ago. What I learned today is that our loverly gov is a complete and utter moron.
DPUTiger said…
I hate tissues with "stuff" in them, for any purposes. Good luck getting rid of your head cold. I got one of my very own from my wonderful husband. ::ahem:: Feel better soon!
I learned that sometimes I'm wrong about my own state of being. I commented that I was feeling very grouchy to a workmate. She replied that I was tired, not grouchy. She was right.
If they are dried and you are powdering them in a mini-food processor, you will not only need gloves. You will also need a bandana for the lower half of your face and goggles for your eyes. Have powder, will travel.
terri browne said…
I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for the tip about the tissues. :)
YarnThrower said…
Your blog posts always make me laugh! Truly, it is a good thing :-)

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