Wisdom Wednesday

Last Friday, Friend-Terri found her 11 month old son, William, slumped over his highchair tray- unresponsive and blue. She managed to revive him and call 911. He recovered quickly but spent the next 24 hours in the hospital with his worried parents trying to figure out if he chocked or had a seizure. Twofer! Lesson: #1. Hold the ones you love tight and tell them how much you love them. Things can literally change in a heartbeat! #2. EVERYONE should know Infant First Aid and CPR!

I was behind a Mo-ped type scooter on the way home from work yesterday. The driver was decked out, helmet to boots, in Harley Davidson gear and his scooter handlebars had fringe. Twofer ! Lessons: #1. Work with what you have. #2. Don't let anyone else define you!

On Sunday, our friends went to a local casino for the day. They lost $300, suffered through a horrible meal and came home bickering with each other. I, on the other hand, got up early, went to the filling station and purchased a Sunday paper. The better part of the rest of the day was spent pouring over it; reading every page and doing the puzzles. Pure Bliss! Lesson: Fun doesn't have to cost much. (And if you steal your neighbor's paper before they wake up, it can be free! )

My Grammie fell down Monday and broke her glasses. Nothing else. Despite the fact that she now looks like this:

Twofer! Lessons: #1. 98-year-olds bounce! #2. I come by my grace, style and coordination honestly!

What did YOU learn this week?


dale-harriet said…
Twofer: I learned how fond I am of my friend Molly Bee; I learned that, fond as I am of winter - springtime is a real gift.
Cindy G said…
OMG, sending hugs to your Grandma!
Anonymous said…
Poor Grammie! Glad she bounced.
terri browne said…
We are thankful for that William is okay and for the reminder about what is really important in life. We can't wait to see you on Monday!
Love the image of the Harley mo-ped and the wisdom to work with what you have. Very scary about William. Thank god he and Grammie are OK. Alas, my 92 year old friend, Aunt Sylvia, couldn't bounce from a stroke this weekend.
DPUTiger said…
Holy cow, that is one heckuva shiner! Glad the outcomes of all your Wisdom Wednesday tidbits were good!
YarnThrower said…
WOW -- A lot to think about in this post... I hope your grandma is recovering well, and also that William was unharmed by his ordeal...

(By the way, I am woefully behind in my blog-reading and slowly catching up...) (which you have probably already figured out...)

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