Bright and Shiny Weekend

We are supposed to have a rainy gray weekend here in The Flat Lands. Everyone is kind of grumpy about it since we've been horribly spoiled by the spring we've had so far. Rain or no rain, my weekend will be bright and shiny. Tomorrow is Alpaca Fest people! Literally hundreds of alpacas and creas to snog and snuggle! This year I vow (as I have every other year) that I will not snuggle alpacas and then touch my eyes. This year I will fail (as I have every other year). So if you see some chick with red, runny eyes trying to smuggle creas out of the Dane County Coliseum, it's me. Be sure and say hi and be prepared to aid and abet if called upon. Look nonchalant.

Hopefully I will recover by the time Last Saturday Knitting comes around in the afternoon. I always look forward to knitting with the girls and sipping a Victor Allen's icy coffee concoction. I just finished a big project, so maybe I'll take my entrelac scarf and finish that off. Or my top down sock. Once I finish all of my half-dones, I will start on this...

It's my painted sock blank from Fairy Yarnmother. Isn't it cool!?!? I can't wait to see how the socks come out. I got Mum one too. It'll be fun to compare our pairs since her painting is very similar to mine. At the rate she knits though, I may have to knit up mine and then knit hers when I got back home for a visit!

Sunday I have tickets to go see Almost Maine at The Overture Center. A guy from my neck of the woods in Northern Maine wrote it. I bought the tickets on October and have been counting down the days in my calendar ever since! Two County Kids together in the same room! Prepare for mayhem, Madison! Can't wait!

Here are some pics of the pretty flowers my kids and my company gave me for Administrative Professionals day.

From my company

From my kids...
How can I have a gray dull weekend with all of that kind of fun and love?!?!?! Ya'll have a bright and shiny weekend too!


Michelle said…
It's grey and windy outside right now but this weekend is SUPPOSED to be beautiful. I have four fleeces to skirt Sunday, so I'm hoping the weatherman is right! Maybe we'll even get the garden tilled and the potatoes planted . . . maybe.

That sock blank is so cool! I can't wait to see the socks, either.
MadCityMike said…
Am happy to see that you have one of Susan's sock blanks! You may remember a photo of her, blanks, and finished socks on my blog from last months crank in? If not, "go back young woman, go back" and take a look to see some others. ;)
dale-harriet said…
Hope to see you at Last Sat Knit! I would love to snorgle the beasties too, but Daughter and I and Soon-Daughter-in-Law are going bead shopping before the Knit (Daughter makes breathtaking beadwork; is doing bridal jewelry).

See you in a bit - you're the one with weepy red eyes and Something on a Leash, right?
Vicki said…
I LOVE that sock blank!!!! Get busy on those socks so we can see them. Yikes is that beautiful!
Lynn said…
I hope you had a great time with the alpacas. I was saved from temptation by having to work on my duplex. I can console myself by spinning up the rest of the alpaca blend that I have from the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool festival.
The first time ever I saw your face was at the Alpaca Fest 2 or 3 years ago. You had red eyes and were hustling on out of there. I don't know how you can even stand to knit that sock blank add some finishing and you've got a gorgeous neckwarmer.

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