Wonderful Weekend!

As usual, I managed to pack a lot into this long weekend. New Year's Eve dinner with friends (see last post including comment section where the author of the book I recommended commented! Squeee!), dog sitting, visiting, coffee drinking, baking for neighbors, cleaning, shopping, knitting and watching the last David Tennant episode of Dr. Who (sob!).

Saturday afternoon and evening were spent in Middleton at Natalie and Dan's house playing games. Had a great time. All present are great company. Dan's special salsa, guacamole and stuffed mushrooms were divine. We played 80s Trivial Pursuit and 80's Scene It.... People. I lived through the 80s. It was MY decade. So why can't I remember any of it? I totally tanked at Trivial Pursuit and did only marginally better at Scene It. Friend Jen blames the memory loss on all of the Aqua Net we inhaled trying to get our hair stand up like that. I'm going to go with that rather than the fact that since the 80s was MY decade, I'm probably old enough for early onset dementia!

Today I met Friend Scott at a local coffee shop to attempt to teach him to knit. It's a good thing he's clever because I am a terrible teacher. I was sure one or the other one of us would leave in an ambulance with pointy sticks sticking out of our anatomy somewhere. But turns out he's a natural (a term he prefers to 'idiot savant' as it turns out) and caught on VERY quickly. It was fun to watch him go from:

" What the ^&*#!? Can't be done! It's the Devil's work I tell ya!"

" AHA! Now I get it!"
(Check out that cocked eyebrow. Does he look like he can rule the knitting world now or what? )

So it was a good lesson. No one was injured. No restraining orders were filed and we were still happy and friends at the end. And I suspect I may have lured another one over to The Dark Side. All in all a great beginning to 2010. Hope you're off to a wonderful start too!


dale-harriet said…
Hooray! I'm encouraged by your knitting lesson as I'm about to repeat your experiment; hope MY friend is as handy as your Friend Scott. Otherwise I'll keep the am-bliance number handy; the "pointed sticks" reference was not lost on me. Seems like this new one is off to a good start <GRIN!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the author comment -- that is definitely "Squee!"-worthy.

My excuse for not remembering the early 70s (my decade) was the altered state of my mind at the time. Perhaps you could use that, too?
Kitty Mommy said…
Of course it was the Aqua Net. The 80's was my decade as well. Can't be dementia. Now, where did I set that darn coffee mug again? *wanders off, muttering to self*
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Congrats to you and Scott for the accomplishment and keeping your skins intact and free of sharp pointy things! I guess I'll have to blame those space food sticks, tang, and margarine...
Vicki said…
I really like your new layout, background.
Thank for the encouraging words. Everyone tells me to walk, so I walk.
DPUTiger said…
Oh, very fun! I get lost in Sporcle quizzes and can't even pull lyrics out for one of my favorite songs! Selective memory, I say! Looks like your knitting lesson went great!
YarnThrower said…
Heh heh....one person closer to knitters ruling the world...

I'm an 80's person, too, and really didn't use Aqua Net, though I was frequently a passenger in a vehicle without wearing a seat belt... Could *that* be causing my memory lapses? I also blame my children...got a little bit dumber with each pregnancy...
MadCityMike said…
Great job! Now if I can lure you over to thinking about "crankin"..........My new machine will be here in a few weeks, then it is ME who'll have a huge learning curve! I'll certainly be posting about it with photos. ;)
You are very lucky to have discovered a natural knitter. I've taught a lot of people to knit or to nearly knit. The naturals don't come along very often.
And oh, he can rule my world any time!

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