Frosty Frozen Fog

When I opened the drapes this morning, I thought there was a blizzard going on outside. I was puzzled because snow wasn't predicted. Upon closer inspection I discovered it wasn't actually snowing; the wind was blowing the lacy ice crystals from the tree branches. Yesterday was fairly warm so we had a heavy fog in the evening. Overnight it froze to every little branch, needle and twig making for a Christmas card scene in the front yard. It's beautiful days like this that don't make me dislike winter as much. Here are some photos. (Click on 'em to biggify if you can. You won't be disappointed!)


Heidi said…
Wow, beautiful pics. Thats just incredible the way its covered the evergreen.
dale-harriet said…
Unbelievable! Isn't it stunning....I tell you, this is proof enough for ME that there's a Creator (and that She's very artistic).
Anonymous said…
I drove south to Hudson on Thursday morning and saw many of the same images. The ones that pleased me the most were the long-needled pines (white pines, I think) that were frost-coated. They looked like big fluffy blackish-green-white clouds.
Mel said…
I love it when that happens, but I must confess that when I first saw the title of the post, I read it as "Frosty Frozen Frog". Made me wonder what the hell you were up to.
YarnThrower said…
Yes, beautiful! I noticed our trees this morning, too, and you caught the intricacy with your close-up photo of the branches... Reminded me of the "flocked" Christmas trees my MIL has sometimes gotten for her Christmas tree...
DPUTiger said…
Believe it or not, I actually do love winter. These great photos illustrate one of the reasons why!
Michelle said…
Love the beauty captured in your photos, and your new header!
Cindy G said…
Wonderful! I didn't get outside to take photos myself. Glad you did, because yours are just stunning.
MadCityMike said…
We learned from the news tonight, that the frozen fog crystals are called "riming".....Truthfully, this was the first time I have ever heard this term, but I looked it up and the explanation verifies it. ;)
Unknown said…
hope you don't mind that i sort-of stole a picture for my desktop. . . too pretty to pass up :)

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