2010: Day One-So Far So Good

2010 is bound to be a happy and prosperous year for all of us being that the blue moon fell on New Year's Eve! At least that's what I'm counting on. Mine started off great. I went to friend Steve's house for supper. Steve has a farmhouse south of New Glarus and the ride down was beautiful with the full moon glowing on the snow in the fields. Friend Joey made us a delicious steak dinner complete with baked potatoes, green salad and home made gingerbread. It was a veritable feast! They sure do know how to treat a girl right!

Joe has three Boxers and Steve has a Golden Retriever mix. They are all super friendly, sweet and cuddly. I would include a photo but I was under the pile of them for most of the night. Better than a woobie any day!

We watched the ball drop in NYC and since Steve and I are both from the East Coast we counted that as the start of 2010. Sorry Joey. It was a wonderful night of friends, a feast and furbabies. I can't think of a better way to welcome a New Year. I wish it didn't happen only 'once in a blue moon'. Get it!?!?

Today was spent babysitting Mike and Hef's dog Panga. She is such a sweetie and she and Ben played and cuddled all day, so his New Year started off right as well. I mostly snuggled in with my woobie and read all day. If you're looking for a great book, 'The Day The Falls Stood Still' by Cathy Marie Buchanan is a good one. It's fiction but based on facts of the early days of electrical power plants on the Niagara River. Very interesting story.

At any rate, Day one comes to a close and all is well with the world. Let's hope the rest of 2010 follows suit! Happy New Year!


Thanks for reading my debut, The Day the Falls Stood Still. Glad it's working for you.

YarnThrower said…
Happy New Year to you, too! I hope you have an amazing and wonderful 2010!
DPUTiger said…
I am among the crowd who emphatically told 2009 "Do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." 2010 is going to be better. I just know it!

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