PCR At Home

I was so enthused with my time in the lab that I tried replicating DNA at home last weekend. I think I did something wrong. This doesn't look like Doug The Application Scientist's results at all. Is one BIG DNA worth a bunch of microscopic ones?

It'll take a really long time to make enough to clone anything. It's 100% wool. Is this how Dolly the Sheep got started?

(Pattern can be found on Ravelry: Baby's First DNA Model)


Lisa/knitnzu said…
I knew in an instant just what that was! Did Doug the applications scientist rub off on ya or what??
dale-harriet said…
I am very very scared (and WAAAY impressed; I can hardly wait to hear the reaction of your "lab rats"!)
Anonymous said…
OH !! A real "yarn" scientist in the family!
Cindy G said…
Ya know, aside from the scientific splendor of it, that really would make a good baby toy: soft, strong colors, easy to grab, enough complexity to be visually and tactilly interesting.

Should be great for the kids in the office.
Cindy G said…
Oops, I meant "tactilely"
YarnThrower said…
That is a hoot! Love love love it!! Does Bentley want one?
MadCityMike said…
"Someone" has TOOOOOOO much time on their hands. I agree with Cindy G though...it would make a great baby toy. I am going to send the pattern to some friends. Thanks! :)
Elizabeth said…
Um, didn't you say it was 100% Baby-Melting Acrylic? (Just giving you a hard time. It's too cool!)
Sus said…
Awesome! I've been wanting to make one of these for so long, but my queue is out of control! I love it!
Definitely on my list, too. Nice job. Was it hard to knit?

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