Ahhhh! Spring!

Nothing says spring like a trip to A to Z farms to see the new babies! I got there right when they opened and it was crowded already. Guess a lot of folks learned their lesson from trying to go later last year too. It was LAMB-DE-MONIUM in there ! As you can see by the tally board. They were in high gear. There were lambies:

And piggies...

(Who quite frankly looked like their mama mighta kicked it up a little with the Holstein kids' dad one cold night in the barn! Shhh! )

There were bunnies and chickies and turkeys ...

And best of all!!!!


Confetti batt from the Frene Creek Farm vendor. It's 2 oz of a mixture of 'many types of wool, camel, tussah silk and firestar' sparkley stuff. That's right! Melted peacock colored, soft as kittens and shiney. Don't get much better'n that! Hello spring!


dale-harriet said…
Thete *might* be somethin' sweeter than lambies ('n piggies 'n calvies 'n all them) but I can't imagine where they are. I LOVE lambies -- because they grow up to suppy yarn which Those Cleverer than I can spin into breathtakingly beautiful yarns; also, the sight of spring lambs carry the scent of MINT on the freshening breeze....either way, I DO love me some lambies! (My "word" is ENTSO...to which I can only reply IZTOO!)
Sus said…
Yay for babies!! They are all so cute! I love lambies but I have a real soft spot for piggies, too. :)
Kitty Mommy said…
Awwwww, the lambikins! I would have loved to go see them, but combination the price (not bad, but kind of adds up with five of us) and crowds (that's the real kicker for me!) kept us home...
Kitty Mommy said…
Oooo...I was just cruising around Ravelry. Spin that roving laceweight and make this.
Cindy G said…
Awwww, Awwwwwwwww, Awwwwwwwwww!
Lisa/knitnzu said…
lambdemonium, OMG!

I love the idea of your treasure, mix of this and that... is it really super luxe and orgasmic and soft?
Lisa/knitnzu said…
whoooo.... OK, just looked at the peacock feathers shawl, yowza!!! I'm thinking this might be the thing I make for my friend who gave me that alpaca roving. She runs "phoenix tae kwon do", and though peacocks are not phoenix, it IS similar....
And just where are the kitties and puppies I'd like to know?
YarnThrower said…
I loved looking at all of the babies, though my favorites are always the cows. No wool there, but I just like the way they look :-)

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