Mitten Knittin', Country Girls and What's In The Cards For My Future
If you haven't stopped over to Kate's Chronicles of a Country Girl site you should go over and check it out. Right now. I'll wait. Dumdedumdedum. What didja think? Not only is it a wonderful site, but she's having a mug giveaway. Apparently mentioning it here is called 'pimping a giveaway'. Doncha love that?! So I'm pimping away! But don't win it OK 'cause I'd really like it for me!
Friend D. and I went to lunch on Saturday and she treated me to a special surprise. She took me to Mimosa on State Street to have my tarot cards read. I am a just a weensy smidge new agey though I hide it well...uh...until I just outted myself there...oh I was curious to see what it was all about. I was prepared to be told general things such as "You will talk to someone today" and "There's a 50 % chance of rain in your future". I was pleasantly surprised. First the lady wasn't hokey at all, other than the little-table-behind-the-curtain-spooky-bit in the beginning, and the things she told me were pretty specific to me. It was really fun. And she didn't have those freaky tarot cards that you see in horror movies, dripping blood and all that. Hers had flowers and herbs on them. Pretty non-threatening. I was disappointed when all of my cards came up upside down apparently signifying that I would need to 'participate' and 'work to make things happen' in each area. I was so hoping to be at a place in my life where the goods are all given to me on a silver platter. 'Cause that the style to which I've become accustomed doncha know!
I sat with D while she had hers read and most of the things that she was told were pretty spot on for her as well. Kind of a cool and unique experience. I'm really racking them up in my 'Year of Saying Yes To Opportunities', no?
PS: my "word" is MORIS...VERY appropriate for a MORRIS dancer such as meself.
Cool about the tarot cards.
The universe is bigger than we'll ever know, so all sorts of things are possible.