Empty Nest Syndrome

(*Crickets chirping* *Tumbleweeds rolling by*.)

Is there anyone here? Or is it just me? Oh. It's just me. Boy! Sure is quiet and lonely around these parts! I took The Queen Bee to the airport this morning so she could make her sojourn Back East. She called me and said that despite the fact that they sat on the ground for an hour in Detroit to be de-iced, she still made it back to Bangor right on time. Said they had a heckuva tail wind. Musta had in order to shave an hour off their time!

We had THE BEST visit, my Mum and I. It was very low key and we just did what we wanted when we wanted. I worked some but had a lot of days off too so we slept in late, watched movies, put puzzles together, shopped, cooked and played games. And Talked. And Talked. And Talked. Well I talked. As most of you know... generally speaking, I'm... generally speaking. My Mum is one of the wisest women I know. She has empathy and smarts and knows how to listen and when to dispense wisdom. I don't know how I would have gotten through the holidays without her. She's a keeper! Isn't it cool when your Mum turns out to be your best friend?

And she KNIT, People! She made a sock while she was here! I'm kinda hopeful that this new hobby will stick, but she made most of a sock the last time she was here and I think most of that sock is still what she has on that count. But if she could just finish THAT one she'd have a complete pair! Sure one is cream color and the other one is stripy color but heh! Two different socks are the trend now anyway. A pair of longish pants and she's golden! You Go Mum!

Speaking of socks. After I finished up another pair of little mittens [It's my goal to do one pair a week until next Christmas.] and I was going to start my Snowball Aran sweater when I looked in my long forgotten knitting basket and lo and behold...three finished socks and three socks in various stages of completion. Decided I'd tackle those before the sweater.

I finished this pair last night. The leg and heel were already done, I just had to put the foot in. Now I'm working on pair # 2. The unfinished sock was done to the middle of the leg. Last night I finished the leg and put the heel in. The third pair is less finished than the others. I think only the ribbing cuff and a little leg is done. But I predict that if I plug away at it, I can finish them by the weekend. I have a friend coming over tomorrow night to knit and have been invited to craft night at another friends house on Thursday. That ought to take a sizeable chunk out of them if not complete them. Yet! Three new pairs of socks for Molly Bee. So even though I'm lonely and Ben and I are starting to talk to the dust bunnies, my feet are warm!


DPUTiger said…
Very stylish jammies there! I'm glad you had a good visit with your mom. Enjoying my parents while they're still in good health is one of the major reasons I moved back to Pittsburgh. I love having them a mile away and my mom calling to say "Want to celebrate your first day back to work by going out to lunch? I want chinese and we know the boys won't eat that."

Go, you with your finishing of languishing socks! Don't get into too much trouble with that Ben! :)
dale-harriet said…
There may be some of that going around: I finished the Dr Who scarf, finished the shawl for Cristina-in-Chicago -- and got a mittie pattern at the Ear Friday night with Thumbs With Which I Can Live, so I finished BOTH pink-and-black {shudder} mitties for Dawn! There IS Life after Dr Who Scarves....

Say - my verification word is "nutta" - do you suppose they're using a description of the commentor now? How could they know? (I *have* been called worse.)
YarnThrower said…
You finishing all of those socks is inspiring me to get going on one of mine... I'm so glad you had a nice visit with your mom! I love spending time with my mom, too! I feel really fortunate about that...
MadCityMike said…
DPUTiger noticed the same thing that I was going to say....nice "frills" with the socks. :)
Glad you had a nice visit with your Mom, and also glad to hear she got home OK and on time. My son wasn't so lucky flying either way, but finally made it home safe, too.
Your new year sounds pretty busy! Happy knitting!
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Oh, your mum should definitely wear her "pair" of socks the next time she sees you! (don't you know that most folks don't know that mom sounds like mum?). Are you ever going to come this way, w/ or w/o your mum?
Elizabeth said…
The great thing about finding UFOs is that you can generally turn them into FOs with very little effort. It almost feels like cheating.
Cindy G said…
Gosh, I bet it does seem awful quiet. More trips to the Ear? A playdate for Bently?

Doesn't it feel nice to finish off the UFOs, though.
peaknits said…
Keep your chin up little cowboy! I think it is wonderful your mom is your best friend, I have that with my mom and wouldn't trade it for nothing. Take care! And maybe if you start counting the tumbleweeds...:)
Cathy-Cate said…
Those are great socks, and you're not alone!

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