Beep Beep Zip Bang

Just a quicky today...just wanted to get these pics out here before I forgot them.
Mum and I rung in the New Year (and her birthday on 1/30) with three Maine lobsters. We ate them up before I remembered to take a picture so here is the box that they came in complete with kelp that managed to squirt all over my kitchen!

There has been spinning. I finally got the orange and yellow singles that have been sitting on Mabel for ten months of Sundays plied. It came out pretty good. I was afraid it was just going to be a murky orange (and it kinda looks like it in this picture) but up close it is pretty defined reds, yellows and oranges. I wish I would have spun it thicker (It's sock weight) the colors would have made a great Knitty Fish hat!
There has also been knitting. I whipped these up for the tenants next door. I ran into the man for the first time the other day and he asked me if the baby was bothering me. I didn't even know what he meant. Apparently there is a brand new four week old baby human in their apartment and I hadn't heard her once. They said that if that was the case then they would be staying at my apartment for a few days! Baby Ella's toes will be toasty in these.And the ever present gratuitous Bentley shot. Here is the new woobie that Grammie got him. Apparently he DID need it because he's never far from it. He lays on it or if we put it over him, he naps for hours under it. Poor puppy! So abused! He's got a rude awakening coming when Grammie leaves and he goes back to his no-food-no-water-thrice-daily beatings!


dale-harriet said…
May I recommend laying in a few extra-nice treats for poor Bentley for when his Gram leaves? You know, to give him between beatings....also, may I please borrow your Mum? Maine lobsters and woobies sound like the prototype for Heaven, if you ask ME. :o)
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Kelp don't squirt! (unless you squish their air bladders anyhow). Did you race the lobsters across the kitchen floor? Check out the so close you can almost see her brain photo of zuzu's nose that I just posted...
Cindy G said…
And of course, Ms B is not the type who would be squishing keop air bladders on purpose....
The lobster sounds heavenly, though the idea of fixing it at home does make me think of that scene from "Annie Hall"
peaknits said…
Gosh, that dog is one lucky fella! And a nice lobster meal with your mom! Do you go to the book club at the Sow? I'm thinking about it...I could use a "group"! Take care!
MadCityMike said…
Congrats on getting back to your spinning! I think that the colors will be great for a pair of socks......especially if they can be seen at the tops of your boots when walking Bentley in the snow.....just in case you get stuck in a snow drift, face down. JUST TEASING! Seriously, the yarn is beautiful!
Michelle said…
Bentley looks appropriately proprietary about his cozy blanky; it's always hard to manage the younguns after the grandparents leave....
DPUTiger said…
OK, that picture of Ben is just adorable. I'm glad you're having fun with your mom!
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