Dyed and Gone To Heaven

I finally bit the bullet and dyed! Mad City Mike inspired me to try Kool Aid dying a while back so today I tried it out and LOVED it! It was so easy!

Wash the yarn (My angora goat hair hand spun. Consensus says it's called MOHAIR.)

Mix up the Kool Aid
Put the yarn in

Micro 2 minutes, let cool. Micro two minutes, let cool. Do this a third time if you see any color left in the water.

Wash, rinse hang to dry!

I spent most of the day with Friend-Anne on Sat. We met at the Sow's Ear in the morning. We knit, sipped hot chocolate, and had a lovely visit. Then we went to Culver's where more visiting commenced. Then we each ran errands separately and met up again at Star Cinema for the last matinee of the day of 'Ink Heart'. Friend-Anne's son had just gotten his brown belt in Karate so Anne's family asked me to go to the movie with them to celebrate . (It was WONDERFUL! Don't listen to the reviews and GO!) Then we went to dinner afterward and I didn't get home until almost bed time. It was a lovely full day.
Today was more errands like putting air in the tires (COLD!) and washing the car up (COLD!). It was getting so you couldn't tell what color it was there was so much road salt on it. Then it was groceries, spinning, dying and making wee Chinese lanterns for the kids. We'll celebrate Chinese New Year tomorrow. I'm not making Chinese dishes, but my friends from China say that it is like our Thanksgiving. It's a feast day so I'm making some Cherry Squares (recipe on Molly Bee's Kitchen) tonight to take in as well. And doing laundry. And vacuuming the stuffed animal guts off the living room floor. (Ben enjoyed his new stuffed dog for about 5 minutes. It was horrifying to watch.) That said, I should stop talking about it and get going on doing it!
Happy Year of The Ox!


peaknits said…
My daughter brought the Inkheart Book home Friday - I may have to go tomorrow - early release day! Nice Koolaid dying btw!
DPUTiger said…
Looks like you had plenty of fun! :)
dale-harriet said…
MY kinda day! Have you read "Inkheart"? 'Cause I do want to see it, but I'm wondering, do I read it FIRST? Afterward? Skip the movie and JUST read it?

(Say....My *word* is "bratier"; should I be offended?) :o)
Kitty Mommy said…
Love, love, love the brightly colored mohair!!!

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