Promised Pictures

Awww rats! The sun isn't out so my Tropical Fish sock photo does not show it's truly amazing
brightness. Ixnay on the shopping run to go buy those Foster Grants!
I really like how the twisted rib cuff turned out.I don't know why I was surprised that this Blackberry Ridge yarn was so stripey. It didn't look so in the skein, but I like the result anyway. You can't see, because of the weather and the lousy photo job, but there are a lot of variations in the blue and reds; lot of bits of teals, purples and pinks on either end of the color changes. Fun! You can see what I mean a little bit if you click on the picture to biggify it.

And here are some of my Mermaid Tail singles.

That big lumpy piece on the left hand side is my end. I don't give it as much twist so I can find it. Yes, I've had that problem before! And yes if you look closely you will see a white snowflake towards the right hand side. And no, I don't want to talk about it! It's enough to make me want to break down and cry.....but instead, I'll just close the curtains and spin some more!


Anonymous said…
Oooh La La!! Some flashy socks
MadCityMike said…
Very nice! I haven't tried sock yarn from Blackberry Ridge,.....yet.....looks like I will have to!
Kitty Mommy said…
Very pretty! Both sock and single! My obnoxiously bright "Enough stinkin' winter" socks are striping up prettily too.
YarnThrower said…
Please don't cry. Yesterday (Thursday, the day it was snowing AGAIN) I was trying to remain composed myself, so I NEEDED your normal cheerful self to keep me from bawling...
peaknits said…
There is something just extra special about a twsited stitch - the socks are special indeed! omg, the winter can kiss my a$$ right about now.
Cindy G said…
Love the mermaid's tail colors. And, yup, flashy socks are exactly what are needed to offset the snowflake depression.
Peggy said…
Your socks are awesome but man, o'man,that spinning is gorgeous!!!!

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