
Name: Spring Claret
Born: Friday March 21, 2008
Weight: 4 oz of Merino/Tencel loveliness
Hours in Labor: ~15-20
Mother: MIGHTY PROUD (If she does say so herself!)
(Click on photos to biggify them)


Anonymous said…
You're wasting your need to do stand up comedy. Where do you get such amusing flashes? And all the other amazing talents to go along with it!
You go girl...
Kitty Mommy said…
Oh WOW! While all babies are cute, this baby is almost as beautiful as my kids, but without the squashy newborn look. ;o)
peaknits said…
Nice job! I so need to try this!:) What will it be??
YarnThrower said…
Congratulations! Very nice! Someday I'm going to try spinning, and I'll enjoy watching your progress in the meantime!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful yarn and Great Job! Keep up the Spinning! I wish I could do this!

Elizabeth said…
Bee-yoo-ti-ful! Truly.
Cindy G said…
Yummy, lovely, beautiful yarn.
knitnzu said…
wicked pretty deah!
cyndy said…
Lovely! So much color! And what does it want to be when it grows up??
Cloudberry said…
Beautiful, beautiful color!

have a great weekend :)

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