People Are Paying For Snow?!??!?!?

It was a sad day in Mr. Bee Land yesterday. Brett Favre retired from the Green Bay Packers and one of the creators of Dungeons and Dragons passed away. Cheeseheads everywhere were in mourning and the state of Wisconsin virtually ground to a halt over the Favre announcement. Gaming geeks worldwide tried to figure out how they could transfer hit points to buy their gaming hero a little more time but alas it was for naught. Mr. Bee, being both a Cheesehead and a Gaming Geek, took it especially hard. He's a tough character though, my Mr. Bee. He rallied nicely by bedtime, claiming that life and football would go on!

I got a hilarious email from friend-Gail. She said that she was driving along in her air-conditioned car in Wilmington, North Carolina yesterday and she heard an advertisement on the radio for a company that would come to your southern home and would fill the yard with snow for your birthday party, or whatever, for the low, low price of only $450.00. She realized that she has seen recent photos of my yard, as well as that of her sister who lives in northern Maine, filled with snow and was mighty ticked to think that we had obviously had parties and had neglected to invite her. (Hardee Har Har, Gail! Now that would have been funny in January when we are supposed to have 10 feet of snow, but it is now March and it's still cold....and still now you're just rubbing it in!) I told her to buy her plane tickets because we were having a snow shoveling party and she was invited. And I'm opening an EBay account...I must have $50,000 worth of snow in the front yard alone!

Gail once sent me the most hysterical post card ever. She had moved away and I hadn't heard from her in quite some time. This was back in 'the before times' when we didn't have email. (I know...gather round, children and I will tell you tales...) I worked at a Tourist Information Center and had access to post cards, so I sent one to her that just said, "Gail?". About two weeks later I got one from her that said "What?". I think I still have it somewhere. Gotta love that wry Yankee hu-mah!

I had to put my beautious claret spinning aside (sob) to whip up a quick baby blanket for friends who just had a son out in NJ. We hadn't even known they were expecting, but we got the announcement and photos of Adorable Baby Jack last week. I thought I'd make one of those blankets that is knit like the basic dishcloth only bigger. I got some lovely cotton/acrylic yarn at The Sow's Ear. It's baby blue, has little flecks of other colors in it and it's oh so soft. The color name is "It's A Boy!" so it's perfect. I started it, sure that I remembered the pattern, and knit almost a whole ball before I looked and realized that something was horribly wrong. It was growing wide too fast. So I went online and found the dish rag directions and realized that I was only supposed to increase on one end not both. Doh! I ripped the whole thing out and started over and it's going swimmingly now. (To add insult to injury though, the washcloth pattern was called "Idiot-Proof Dish Rag". Guess I proved THEM wrong!) Knit Night is on Friday night so I hope to be on the downhill side of it by then and finish it off so I can get it in the mail before Adorable Baby Jack graduates!

Last night was 'Beauty Parlor Night" at Chez Bee. Two dogs, a cat and a rabbit that needed to be brushed and manicured. We got the brushing done. It's not easy because the dogs and cat LOVE the Fur-minator brush and all jockey for position to get beautiful first. Mr. Bee has to wrangle two while I brush one and then we rotate. We got a whole 'nother fur baby's worth of fur out of them and I suspect when I vacuum the carpet tonight I'll get yet another. We didn't get all the nails done. That's a job for this evening, so I'd better get to it although it's not much fun. While they love the brushing, no one wants to get their nails done. Pray for me!


Anonymous said… increased too much, huh? Guess that makes up for the decreasing too fast that I did not long ago!! Remember the sock toe? If I come to your house can I get my nails done too?
Mel said…
Did Mr. Bee wear his cheese hat to bed just to make himself feel better?

Tuck's in need of a little furminating, too. Maybe that'll be a project for tonight.
YarnThrower said…
I had no idea how much the snow in my yard was worth! Too bad I can't take it to the bank...
Elizabeth said…
But you aren't an idiot. They need a genius-proof pattern.
dale-harriet said…
Say! If all the Hog-and-Blog crew gets together and combines our snow, we could have...uhm....errr...well, you know I don't do Maths. But I bet we could go on a Carribbean Knitting Cruise for two weeks (I think I'm beginning to have "warm" on my mind!) And you know, I'm not a football fan by and large, but I *AM* a Wisconsinite; therefore by definition a Packer Fan. (Have to say though, I think Favre's earned some 'off' time, and 'tis better to retire a hero than fade into a toothless scrawny old ex-football player, non?) And...I knew Gygax, played in the pre-publicaton days, and was *horrified* to hear of his passing. VERY sad day, that.
Cindy G said…
A rhomboid baby blanket? Yes, I meant to do that. Squares are so overdone.....

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