Such A Lot Of Fuss Over A Lousy 'R'

Mr. Bee and I went to Walgreen’s after work. We were checking out and the cashier said, “What school do you kids go to?” I turned my 41-year-old eyes to the nearly 40-year-old Mr. Bee and then we both looked incredulously at the cashier. She looked so earnest that I said, “I love you” and grinned; flattered, the same way I used to when I was 25 and got carded at a bar. Then I said, “I’m 41 so I guess I’ve been out of school a while.” I was pretty smug about being half of such a young-looking couple. The cashier, who was in her sixties, looked puzzled and then said, “Oh, I saw the Valentines…”. I had purchased a box of kid’s Valentines to give my ‘kids’ at work like I do every year. I explained that they were for my work. Then she said that she was just asking everyone because some of the local schools weren't allowing Valentine candy at their parties so she was letting folks know which schools did and which ones didn’t. It was then that I realized that what she had actually said was, “What school do your kids go to?” Not YOU kids….YOUR kids. I felt like a colossal knob. What she must have thought, asking an innocent question and having some crazy lady, first profess her love for her out of the blue, and then blurt out her age. (I’m Molly Bee and I’m this many-fingers flashing 4 sets of 10 and then a one). Bet she’s wondering why I wasn't wearing a helmet and thanking her lucky stars I didn’t latch onto her for a big ol’ sloppy smooch and hug. Mr. Bee claims to have actually heard her correctly the first time and was contemplating throwing his hands up and telling her that he wasn’t with me. I don’t blame him. Maybe it’s time to start buying grown up Valentines or get a hearing aid....

I am working on a pair of socks for Mr. Bee out of Lang’s Jawool Sport #82-155. I only have two skeins and one on hold at The Sow’s Ear. Don’t think that’s gonna do it since I want them to be boot socks and have at least an 8” leg. Do you think I can find one more lousy skein anywhere? Of course not. Maybe I’ll make the toe and heel a solid color and then I would have enough. Any ideas?


Molly Bee said…
Elizabeth said…
It looks like it'll let me in now. Before, it was saying "Team members only."

Belatedly, it was delightful to meet you last weekend!

Love your cashier story. I'm sure it gave her something to think about!
YarnThrower said…
I was glad that Elizabeth let you know about your comment thing, because I tried to leave a comment twice this past week and was wondering how I could become a "team member", but didn't know how to contact you. Anyway, don't feel badly about the age thing. I'm 42, and my 4 year old son told me this past week that I'm the oldest thing he knows.....

Regarding the socks, how about a few stripes, too.....

Well, back to the superbowl.....
Anonymous said…
Hi, Molly - It was great meeting you too! I'm 41 as well, and it sure is interesting how some people will call me and my 44 year old Dear Husband To Be "kids", while others act like we're old fossils.
I think your idea of making the toes and heels of the boot socks a different color is good. :) Maybe one that matches one of the colors in your main yarn?

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