Diva Challenge: Betweed

This week's Diva Challenge 191 is a monotangle. You can only use the tangle pattern 'Betweed'. I was kind of rushed since I also had to make deviled eggs for tonight's Halloween Pot Luck so the shading is all wonky. I used my new Helix Angle and Circle maker tool for the first time and can see lots of potential once I learn to use it correctly. Look at the second circle from the left on the top. [Who can't make a circle with a plastic tool shaped like an actual circle designed to make actual circles? *Waves hand wildly in the air* Me! Me!] The tangle was fun to do. I used Betweed quite a lot in my other tangles. But I'm not happy with the overall design since it was so rushed. The deviled eggs came out much better! Happy Halloween!!!