Finishing Up

I finally had a weekend where I wasn't running around like a head-challenged barnyard fowl, so I took some time and finished up some projects I had in the works.  I finished spinning, washing, drying, skeining and labeling yarn from the Heartland Farm animals. The 5 skeins of grey are little Teddy's (miniature Shetland) entire fleece. The white is from Bert (white sheep with black face) and the brown is a combination of Bert and Mick (the brown llama). I would have like to do more, but ran out of time. I turn it over Wednesday night for the gala on Saturday. It took me about 8 hours per skein and I had to work it in around my normal hectic life. I have more roving, so once I get the feeling in my hands and wrists back, there will be more Heartland yarn in the future.
This is Ella Phant. I knit her eleventy hundred pieces right up quick and then realized I had to sew them all together so she sat in my knitting back for a bit while I sucked up my courage. Finally her whimpering got me me so I put her together. Please pardon her nakedness. She is destined to have some kind of outfit soon.

(Inserted later) Here is Ella all dressed up and ready to dance.

 Finally finished the second set of Finorkin Fiddlehead mittens. There was enough yarn left over from the grey set that I just added a skein of white and reversed the color order for the second set. They are supposed to be lined but jury's still out on that. I have the baby alpaca to do it, but they seem plenty warm they way they are. We'll see.
 And in my ongoing quest to try and incorporate negative space into my doodles, I whipped this up:
It's by no means my favorite, but at least I did leave some space in there.  And it isn't square.  And I got to try out the new 'Knitting' tangle, which I love, so it wasn't a total wash. 

So that was my weekend. How was yours?


Sara said…
You are a busy bee! Your yarn is gorgeous, Miss Ella Phant adorable and the artwork stunning. I love using the knitting tangle, too! I wonder why that is!

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