At Long Last! My Etsy Shop Is Live

I am so excited, you guys! I have been working at getting this shop up for so long! It's still a work is progress.  You know my history as a horrible picture taker.  I'm working on better photos, but for now there are 7 items posted, jewelry and note cards, to get my feet wet in the Etsy pool!

If I see interest, I am planning on adding more types of items to my shop; knit goods, original art, pine needle baskets, handspun yarn...who knows!

You can either click on the link  Molly Bee's Attic Etsy Shop or click on the widget on the left side of this blog to go check it out. I am looking for constructive criticism and ideas for making my shop great, so a comment would be greatly appreciated!


Michelle said…
I am hoping you add some of your awesome BAGS in various sizes to your shop! I've lusted over several you've shown here....
Barb said…
Yay....congratulations. I just ordered a rigid heddle loom so I now have to save my pennies for one of these wonderful necklaces. Looking forward to bags being offered here as well.

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