Diva Challenge# 77: UMT Fiore de Pietro

This week's diva challenge was a Use My Tangle one. The tangle is Fiore de Pietro that Rho Densmore designed in honor of her late brother-in-law.  Participants (the challenged? :-)) are asked to use her design in a piece and then allow her to use it in memory books that she will be making for family members. I think that's a beautiful tribute.  She mentions in her request that her BIL's death again reminded her of how everything can change in a heartbeat. I've been thinking a lot about that lately too.  We let our family and loved ones 'get to us' over little (and sometimes big) things, despite all of the wonderful moments we've spent with them. But at the end of the day, if they should happen to no longer be with us, we'd pay money for one more moment with them, even at their most frustrating.  Hold your loved tight and tell them you love them.  Tomorrow isn't a done deal. It can all be done in a blink.
Fiore de Pietro


Barb said…
How magnificent -- I love the windows. It seems like you could see forever through them! I like what you wrote also -- It reminded me of a quote by Wally Lamb: "Drink their milkshakes. Take their love."
I spent quite a bit of time looking at this tile, trying to figure out what made it look so special to me. I don't know if I figured it out; but one thing is your use of black and white; the3 white of the stars like figures in the windows; the white parts of the black in the Fiore di Petro part; and then it looks like you used some beige for shadows in some of the other parts. Plus, I love the framed effect you managed. Whatever it is, this is a truly inspiring tile. Also, I absolutely loved what you said about savoring your loved ones; even when they frustrate you. We never know how much time we, or they, will have on the earth.
Unknown said…
I agree, with Linda. So much to see in such a small tile!
Anonymous said…
Lovely tile, lovely border.
And your words? Absolutely true. Good to remeber this, because we all know it but often forget while living our daily life.

Annemarie Huijts
Pennyb said…
Thoughtful words and an amazing tile! I love the stars in the windows and then repeated in the tangles. Stunning.
Lorraine said…
How beautiful this is, and so peaceful too. It reminds me of a cathedral.
Amy in TN said…
This glorious composition looks like a children's book illustration, maybe for one of the end pages, that pulls together the wondrous locations/events that occur in the story. Since we don't know the story, it is very mysterious...but clearly, it's a delightful adventure. Your artwork is grand. Thank you for sharing it, as well as you thought-provoking words.

What is the tangle in the lower left quadrant that features "S" configurations and converging lines? I don't recognize it, and find it fascinating! (Where's the "LIKE!" button?!)
WOW! What a fantastic tile. It tells a beautiful story.
Cathy said…
This is soooo stunning! I love the details. I could stare at it forever. And your words are so thought provoking.
Susan said…
This is an amazing tile! It is beautifully done and it tells a story as well. Well done!
Dianne said…
Wow! This is amazingly gorgeous! I really love this:)
Gloria j Zucaro said…
This is so inspirational. It looks like a cathedral or temple. Just beautiful.
Kreanimo said…
Can't say much about this tile: I'm so amazed by it!
And me without words, that's rare! Well done!
ledenzer said…
I just want to say.... ooooooow aaaawwwwww..... I so love the night sky and using this pattern to show that effect was pure genius! I love everything about your tile!
Jaye said…
So lovely...the extended borders just make this tile complete!!!

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