Diva Challenge Number 64-Fortuneteller

I haven't done the past few many Diva Challenges; life getting in the way and all that, so I really wanted to do this week's!  It was to divide the tile into 8ths (like the old fold up fortune tellers we used to make in grade school) and tangle each section.  Oooo! I had plans. I'd blur the lines!  I'd morph one pattern into the other! I'd create a tangle the likes of which the world had never seen! Not. so. much.  Seeing my time draining and the things I have to do between now and the weekend deadline, I realized I was going to have to 'phone' this one in . I divided my tile and put some of the new patterns I haven't tried out yet in each section. The result? Meh. Not earth shattering, but at least I have a working tool of pattern documentation for my stash.  I'll do better next week, I promise!


Barb said…
You simply amaze me with your artwork. Could I just borrow your creative brain bits for a day? :O)
Susan said…
Love those new patterns! I think they look great! And it sure helps to remember them if you use them.
Way to go with accomplishing the challenge. Great sampler type project with fun tangles!

I know too well how life events seem to get in the way of creative dreams, but you just fit them in where you can and keep on tangling my friend. Your blog followers do like to see your pretty projects such as this one.
Sara said…
I hear you about the "time" problem. I haven't had the pens out in over a week. BUT, I did just get a package in the mail yesterday with 2 sets of the new Zendala strings. That's what I'll be trying next!
Karen Lynn said…
I had to laugh about the best laid plans... But your tile looks great. I love the masks especially.

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