New Barn Babies

I've been out of town for a couple of weeks, taking a much needed spring break, so I haven't been to the barn in what seemed like forever. I missed the barn babies almost as much as I missed my Bentley while I was gone....ALMOST!    Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of feathered and furred babies on my trip.  Including this papa trying to get his duck babies to the safety of a stream at Disney....

(AND I got to hand feed a full-grown, black, rhinoceros while we were taking a backstage safari there which was SO AWESOME I can't even put it into words!!! No photos because I was covered with rhino drool half way to my elbow!)
And there were kitties...
And monkeys...
And the herd of deer that winters on Mum's back lawn.  This one sucked the seeds out of the tube bird feeder every afternoon in broad daylight, the bandit!

But I really wanted to catch up with Toby and the gang at the barn, so I went in this morning just in time to meet the new family members that joined us today, including Crystal-a 23 year-old horse that will be a companion to Cherish.

And possibly to Mick and Thor as they were very interested in their pretty, new neighbor!
We also got two beautiful, rust-colored, full-size female goats to accompany the 4 males we have  and two female turkeys to keep Eddie's mind off of killing and eating the staff.  They are all wonderful, but I have to admit...I melted when I met this next little guy....Teddy, the new Shetland ram!

Here he is meeting Toby. 
He is not used to other animals and could care less about them. He follows people around like a dog!   I just know he's going to be an excellent therapy animal. He looks small, but he's smaller still when you realize that he is due to be shorn soon.  He has a full poofy coat and the cutest little curved horns.  I'd say he only weights 20 pounds or so and he's full grown!
Here is Frances-the-sheep taking Teddy under his wing.  I didn't even know sheep had wings!

So I'm back in the saddle; work-wise, home-wise, barn-wise and blog-wise!  I missed you all and hope you had a great couple of weeks in my absence!  I'll be filling you in on my trip soon!


MadCityMike said…
Glad to have you back! The Strawberry/Lemonade Scones were baked yesterday and are delicious! Thank you again for thinking of me and my passion for scones. ;)

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