4th of July and Other Disasters

Happy Independence Day All! My holiday is relatively low key. All of the excitement happened yesterday when I met friends Joey and Steve in New Glarus for brunch. We ate at a small diner on the edge of town and when we finished, I told them that I was going to poke around town and see what kind of trouble I could get into. They signed up immediately! My kinda guys!

First we went to the bakery where I got a loaf of fresh sourdough. At Knit Night the night before, Jen gave me the most amazing freezer jam I have ever eaten and I couldn't just put it on Wonder Bread could I? Then we went to the Cheese Shop where I got some interesting cranberry, white cheddar to take to a party I was going to that evening. So far a pretty tame, sedate adventure.

I'd been geocaching in the area before and had seen a small, Swiss, historical village that I wanted to visit when I got a chance, so we took off on foot to the spot I thought I remembered it being. Since I wasn't exactly sure, I kept thinking it was on the next block and the next and then the next. The walk began to feel like '40 Days and 40 Nights Lost On The Streets Of New Glarus' since it was all uphill and blazing hot. But eventually we found it. It isn't a working village-more of a museum with several buildings. We took the self-guided tour since we were too rowdy to join the tour group already in progress (which included a Dahli Llama-esque chap from Tibet and the reincarnation of Albert Einstein, right down the the wild, electrocuted hair). It was really interesting.

There were lots of bits and bobs in the General Store. Isn't that one of those horns from the World Cup on the back wall? Switzerland must have won back in the before times.Wicked cool old fire trucks and equipment. I asked Joey to drive this one out in the sun so I could get a better picture. Then I had to talk him out of it. There may or may not have been physical restraint involved. I HAVE to remember to stop double-dog daring him to do illegal stuff unless I really mean it.

This old fashioned IPad was interesting. We've come a long way Baby...

I made the boys pose in front of the Sausage Shop. Look how happy they are about it. Knock it off and say something nice to each other, you guys!! (Mostly they were disappointed that, despite the sign, there were no sausages. They must have sold out before we got there. The Swiss World Cup crowd no doubt.)

You know me. Every time I run across a cannon I have to fire up that bad boy. I declared war on the closest town I knew of, Mt. Horeb, and took careful aim...

But then Joey was all like, "Watch me clean my ear with this giant Q-Tip", and ya'll know whenever Joey sticks something in one ear, I can't resist watching it come out the other side!

Thus distracted, my trajectory changed....

Steve thought it was still a darned good shot but I'm kinda gonna miss ol' Joey T!

Despite the casualty, I had a BLAST. I highly recommend the Swiss Village if you're looking to KILL a couple of hours in New Glarus. Be careful with the cannon though. It has a hair trigger!
How's your holiday weekend going?


Kitty Mommy said…
Bwa-ha-ha! Poor Joey! Sounds like a fun day. We picked up a brochure for the Swiss Village last time we were in New Glarus but decided against it. My kids have a marginally shorter attention span than yours, which keeps us away from things charging admission!
dale-harriet said…
Some day I'm going to snarf you up for a road trip. Where? NO IDEA but if you're along it'll be fun. SOME DAY I'd like for you (and perhaps other Hoggenbloggers) to come out to some reenactment to see me. I'm going to go ponder now......
MadCityMike said…
You do manage to get your boys into some "iffy" situations........go easy on them will ya! There aren't enough of us as it is..... ;)
Cindy G said…
What a hoot!

(And I'm vastly relieved that you didn't point that cannon at Blanchardville.)

Here's a fun fact for you. The headstones are in the Swiss Village, but the bodies are still in the churchyard downtown.
Sara in WI said…
Good times were had by all, it sounds like! I love the ancient iPad!
So much of that old stuff is all dusty.

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